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Why does a block in Substrate-based blockchain have no author and no reward points?

We encountered an issue in our Substrate-based blockchain network where a block has no author and no reward points were given to any validator. This block was finalised. The block was an era-...
Toufeeq's user avatar
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Why does Grandpa not use sr25519?

I note that Grandpa uses ed25519 keys rather than the substrate standard of sr25519. Is it because sr25519 signatures are non-deterministic? ( Why are sr25519 signatures non-deterministic? ) or is ...
Squirrel's user avatar
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Replace GRANDPA finanlity

Hello can someone please help me understand all steps and all functions needed to be implemented for replacing finality gadget in experimental substrate chain?
llvm_ninja's user avatar
2 votes
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Block finalization stalled

I have been running a testing network recently and they have encountered a very strange situation: the finalized has stopped at # 107379 and cannot be further confirmed. The logs of each consensus ...
Yang Elden's user avatar
9 votes
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Grandpa stuck at "Polling"

I am trying to spin up a small BABE PoS network of four nodes and not able to get GRANDPA to start. It's hard to know what exact pieces of information to provide, here are some notes. A few notes: I ...
Justin Frevert's user avatar
6 votes
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How to achieve instant finality with substrate?

Ideally, I would like to build a chain with Substrate but using Tendermint as the consensus engine. The problem is that it's a lot of work to implement it correctly. But what if I use AURA (round ...
Timothée Delabrouille's user avatar
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Switching from `Aura` to `Babe` consensus causes error "Incomplete block import pipeline" on genesis block

I am trying to switch from Aura to Babe consensus. After successful building and node start I am getting an error "Block import error: Incomplete block import pipeline.". This happens with ...
bis rkharisov's user avatar
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Node template based network runs with multiple peers using the same identity

I noticed some interesting behavior while running a local test net on my machine. I booted up a network between the default Alice and Bob accounts that are used in all the tutorials, and they ...
domoarigato's user avatar
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NPoS with Aura - no planned era

UPDATE: The election always finalizes with Election Fallback and set of validators doesnt't and neither does the Era, but sessions keep increasing. I understand that an era is just a couple of ...
Muhammad Talha Dar's user avatar
4 votes
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In substrate, does the genesis block get finalised the same way as the subsequent blocks?

In substrate, does the genesis block get finalised the same way as the subsequent blocks, or is finalisation of the genesis block a special case?
kishan sagathiya's user avatar
6 votes
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Substrate chain reconcilliation with BABE/GRANDPA

With BABE, I understand validators to produce blocks and chosen randomly and multiple validators may be eligible to produce a block, already providing a large amount of forks/fork opportunities. If no ...
Kayaba's user avatar
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What this 'grandpa-voter' error means?

I was doing last section of substrate private network tutorial. Before i stored key set, i could started network smoothly. But after i stored key set of aura and grandpa, i got this error. yc6936@...
Michael kane's user avatar
8 votes
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How to revert a bricked chain due to bad setCode

I upgraded a chain that uses Grandpa/Aura with code for instant seal by mistake. I believe it may be possible to revert some blocks: But cannot find ...
twhitehead's user avatar
8 votes
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Recovering from stalled finality (babe/grandpa)

While experimenting with a relay chain testnet, Decentration and I ran into this issue with multiple validators on the same node, stalled finality and got the chain into slow block-making mode. We ...
JelliedOwl - Paul's user avatar
12 votes
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What is the difference between Babe, Aura, and Grandpa?

Substrate supports "pluggable consensus" so a developer can choose from among several consensus algorithms. The main Substrate repository contains four algorithms: Aura Babe Proof of Work ...
JoshOrndorff's user avatar
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