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Unanswered Questions

159 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
0 answers

How to generate a Moonbeam Unified Account using Subkey?

In the Moonbeam Unified documentation here, it says that Moonbeam natively supports "Ethereum-style address (H160 format), which is 40+2 hex-characters long, in a Substrate based chain" and ...
6 votes
0 answers

No block produced/validated on parachain for almost a day

We upgraded our testnet Shibuya yesterday, for which we have our own validator network, and block production stalled for almost a whole day. The block on which it was stuck was the one where the ...
6 votes
0 answers

Subxt call to custom pallet method returning `wasm 'unreachable'` - (`TaggedTransactionQueue_validate_transaction`)

So I am trying to submit extrinsics to a running parachain node using subxt, but encounter a Codec error. The parachain is based on the substrate-parachain-template, the relay chain is compiled ...
6 votes
0 answers

How to use the default Substrate CLI rpc-cors values without using rpc-cors=all for a Collator node and connect from Polkadot.js Apps

I want to be able to connect a collator node using that is based on the substrate-parachain-template using branch 'polkadot-v0.9.18' and is being run as a parachain in ...
5 votes
0 answers

"Not Requested Block Data" synching a parachain node

I am facing an issue with syncing new nodes to the bootnodes of my parachain on Kusama. The bootnodes were synced using the following commands: For fast sync: binary --chain <parachainchain> -- ...
5 votes
1 answer

How many collators can a parachain have?

I think this should be split into 2 questions: How many total collators can a parachain have ? How many collators can collate at the same block height ? I suspect those number would be approximative ...
5 votes
0 answers

eip-681 equivalent for Polkadot to generate qrcodes

I'm developing an app and there I have the possibility to generate qrcodes to ask for payments in multiple blockchains using multiple tokens. For EVM blockchains I do have the eip681 to guide me (...
5 votes
2 answers

How to determine if a parachain runtime migration is too big?

I want to write runtime storage migration for our parachain. This time it will scan large storage maps with more than 10k entries. This may results in very large PoV block size. I'm wondering what the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Parachain not syncing with peers

An instance is already running a parachain collator node and is producing block. Is collating: yes [Relaychain] 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWLhkaoFSGV2JfXea1BGTEAv2R5PE4v2b1nHZMo1ZGtXDG [...
5 votes
0 answers

fp_evm::GenesisAccount causes

As the title says, I have added EVM Compatibility to my NPoS runtime(using chainsafe/substrate-node-template), and when i run my node with Alice and Bob validators, the StakingElection begins to fail. ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to properly use backed-up DBs for parachain recovery?

We are currently backing up our parachain DB on a daily base: /path/to/db/full/, I thought it can be used for recovery when the DB gets accidentally deleted/corrupted. But it seems that once the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Parachain nodes become idle

The following nodes are Subsocial parachain nodes. We use polkadot-v0.9.16 as our dependencies version. Gonna upgrade soon, but we need to solve the collators issues before. Occasionally some of the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Parathread not producing block on Rococo registered using CoreTime

I am trying to list a parathread on Rococo using core time. I have followed all instructions mentioned here. I followed below steps: I registered a ParaId and onboarded Parathread as usual but didn't ...
4 votes
0 answers

I need a way to gather information about the address length and value length of each parachain

Solang is a solidity compiler that compiles to the wasm pallet. In Solang's CLI, there are options to configure the target parachain address length and value length. What I want to add is a feature ...
4 votes
1 answer

Error- Connecting Parachain to Relay Chain: Unsupported or Invalid BabeApi Version

I have already run a relay chain on two ports, but when I try to connect my parachain to the relay chain, I encounter the following error. I have attached a screenshot of the error to this message. I ...

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