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Questions tagged [transactions]

Questions about transactions, including signed and unsigned extrinsics, transaction formats, transaction pools and constructing transactions.

16 questions from the last 365 days
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How to Prevent Total Issuance Reduction After the Transactions in a Substrate Chain?

In my Substrate solo chain, the total issuance starts at 80,000,000,100,000,000,000,000,000. After the first transaction, it drops to 80,000,000,099,999,999,729,766,850. I understand this could be ...
Superluminal's user avatar
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Signing transaction payload with private key

The question is how to sign a transaction payload with a private key and send it to the chain. We are compiling an extrinsic: const keyring = new Keyring({ type: "ed25519" }); const ...
Артём Артём's user avatar
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Ensuring Accurate Extrinsic IDs for Asset Transfers on AssetHub

I'm submitting asset transfer transactions on AssetHub using the submit and watch method. Immediately after submitting a transaction, I retrieve the block hash in which it was supposedly included. I ...
George's user avatar
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How to solve this invalid block issue after sending a Transaction?

I'm experiencing a strange issue: occasionally, I get an invalid block error after trying to submit an extrinsic in my node. I created a script that runs 300 transfer transactions sequentially, ...
rirotho's user avatar
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Invalid transaction & Transaction has a bad signature

I'm trying to adjust my implementation to the recent runtime changes CheckMetadataHash. I added the mode in the transaction and both the metadatahash and the mode parameter in the payload that is sign ...
Dami's user avatar
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same extrinsic hash but different transaction and transaction broadcast issue

Is it possible for different transactions to have the same txid? My address on Polkadot is . Among ...
Bomax Chen's user avatar
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KSM, WND transfer transaction fail, but DOT success

I used the same program, the same fullnode version, and the same Substrate API sidecar version to submit transfer transactions for DOT, KSM, and WND. Only DOT was successful. Two months ago, DOT, KSM, ...
Bomax Chen's user avatar
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how to create multising account using polkadot extrinsics?

I have been working with multsig wallets i am able to create account using polkadot ui and use it to sign transaction, but i am not able to create account using extrinsics can you please tell how to ...
Karanvir Singh's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Substrate node not propagating transactions

So we have a very strange bug that is happening when sending transaction to a substrate (crust node in this instance). We are sending signed transaction to a crust node via polkadot.js as such: const ...
Tadej Vengust's user avatar
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How to integrate Subxt with frontier?

I want the transaction to be happen through subxt on frontier node template. I'm getting this error in this process: Metadata error: The generated code is not compatible with the node How to solve ...
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
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execute_block, initialize_block, apply_extrinsic, finalize_block, offchain_worker exists for struct `Executive` but its trait bound were not satisfied

I developed substrate parachain with custom pallets. Actually I wanna add OCW functionality to one of my pallets. After I updated runtime code and added CreateSignedTransaction implementation I tried ...
Artem Levchuk's user avatar
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how can i achieve 10000 tps in layer zero polkadot based chain

I have my blockchain deployed on production . i want some addition in my chain. i want my chain to have 10000 tps .How can i achieve that in my current layer0 chain without using multiple parachains ....
Karanvir Singh's user avatar
4 votes
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Validation of Transactions Executed in on_finalised Function within the Hook

Will transactions executed within the on_finalised function inside the hook undergo validation by the validators?
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
1 vote
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Ensuring Priority for Key Transactions in a Substrate Chain

I'm currently working on a substrate chain and have implemented a pallet where off-chain workers submit price data of other chains. My requirement is for these prices to be updated by the workers ...
Matthew M's user avatar
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Invalid transaction:1010 Invalid: Transaction has a bad signature

I have changed my default multisignature to EthereumSignature. But whenever i'm doing any transaction on metamask then it is working fine and whenever i'm manually signing the transaction with a ...
Arunjot Singh's user avatar
2 votes
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Proof-of-Work Substrate Chain with Multiple Validators

I'm working on a Proof-of-Work (POW) substrate chain. Assuming we have four validators, all of which have enabled on-chain workers (OCW), is it accurate to state that each validator's OCW fetches data ...
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar