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Unanswered Questions

89 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How can we add multiple validators on single node?

I'm running a single node with 2 validators, but the block finalization stops after adding the second validator. What could be causing this issue, and how can I ensure block finalization continues ...
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0 answers

Anyone have a sample repo that use pallet-asset-conversion Im using the Substrate Solochain Template? This is the template I use. This is the pallet, I'm trying to add to the template
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0 answers

Why does pallet-babe have a `MaxNominators` configuration?

Going through the pallet again for a project and I can see that it has a config item for MaxNominators which unsurprisingly has the following description: The maximum number of nominators for each ...
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1 answer

Running some large computation

What will happen if I loop through 1000 or 10000 values in a vector. Will the transaction fail or block time will increase?
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0 answers

How can implement less frequent empty block and instant confirmation for transactions by modifying babe consensus?

async fn propose_with( self, inherent_data: InherentData, inherent_digests: Digest, deadline: time::Instant, block_size_limit: Option<usize>, ) -> ...
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0 answers

frame-benchmarking-0.35.0: use of undeclared crate or module `alloc`

I am trying to upgrade the base-parachain to v1.13.0 and got an issue with the frame-benchmarking. This error coming from the frame-benchmarking crate which throws an error error[E0433]: failed to ...
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1 answer

Using other pallets in benchmarking

Im in pallet x - and in one of the benchmarking functions, i need to access a storage map from a pallet y. Hence what my approach was - add the pallet y in the cargo.toml dev dependencies of pallet x, ...
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1 answer

What is the proper way to replace a pallet with an entirely new one in a runtime migration?

We have pallet_xyz and we want to replace it with pallet_abc at the exact same pallet index, i.e. just removing one and replacing the other. What's the proper way to migrate this? More specifically, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Could not cast prevote: previously known block 0x_ has disappeared

The finalization is blocked on our development chain and I have these logs: 2024-07-12 19:37:00 ✨ Imported #2208390 (0x85e0…1a0a) 2024-07-12 19:37:01 💤 Idle (14 peers), best: #2208390 (0x85e0…...
3 votes
0 answers

Why is the index of a pallet a u32(usize) instead of u8 when queried?

I'm implementing a flow where I first ask what index a pallet has with the QueryPallet xcm instruction, and then construct a call to use with Transact. I see that to construct manually an encoded call ...
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0 answers

When i tried to add the third well known node, it shows is added but it's not?

I am following the Authorize Specific Nodes and i tried to add the third known node, but i couldn't. It said it was added but it seems it did not even though i tried to added again it said it is ...
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0 answers

How justification are made thorugh the finality-gadget?

I'm working in the POW chain and i want to ask about the justifications which are provided for applying finality. How they are made and how can i make my own justifications for the blocks?.
1 vote
0 answers

Why does a block in Substrate-based blockchain have no author and no reward points?

We encountered an issue in our Substrate-based blockchain network where a block has no author and no reward points were given to any validator. This block was finalised. The block was an era-...
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0 answers

Randomness in substrate pallets

We are creating a price guessing game as a substrate pallet. We would like to fetch random objects from an API for the game. What options can we use to get randomness within our pallet?
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0 answers

Can't compose_call with call function limited_reserve_transfer_assets - python substrate interface?

This question relates to building the call_params for the compose_call function. I have the params for the rest correct, but have trouble building the assets attribute params? Here's a reference I ...

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