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Unanswered Questions

28 questions with no answers
5 votes
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I want to use Parity SCALE codec in Solidity? Is there any implementation of scale codec to decode bytes?

I want to decode bytes on the Solidity side that was decoded with scale codec. Is the any implementation of scale codec (decode) on the Solidity side?
4 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to instantiate a contract from code_hash without ContractRef

From the documentation, we have 2 ways of instantiating a contract from a code_hash, but both require a ContractRef. In order to obtain ContractRef we have to import the contract crate as a dependency ...
3 votes
0 answers

How can I use complex structure in ink! version3

how can i use the complex structure(like Mapping<String, Vec<Map<String, String>>>) in ink! #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] use ink_lang as ink; #[ink::...
3 votes
0 answers

How to migrate / backup & restore ink smart contract storage?

Is there a way to backup ink smart contract storage and later restore on another chain? Lets say we have chain with 3 validators and deployed smart contract containing certain information in its ...
2 votes
0 answers

Deployment of contract and calling its function is taking too much fees

I have configured the transaction fees to be approximately 40. However, when deploying a smart contract on an EVM-compatible chain, the fees amount to be 2300, and when calling this function, the ...
2 votes
0 answers

How can I mint new token from ink smart contract calling pallet-balances function?

How can I mint a new native token (not a custom token) from the ink smart contract calling one of the functions from pallet-balances pallet?
2 votes
0 answers

How to upload the same ink! smart contract to a different code hash?

I've written this ink! quickstart script that I can repeatedly call to run these steps to flood my local testnet with instances of Flipper contracts: Kills an existing substrate-contracts-node ...
2 votes
0 answers

Error Type { registry: TypeRegistry {}, initialU8aLength: 6 } when try to query ink! smart contract by @polkadotjs/api-contract

My code: const main = async() => { //Get wasm // This file wasm I already build through "cargo contract build" let wasm = fs.readFileSync("../../res/incrementer.wasm&...
1 vote
0 answers

How To Increase Static Buffer Size in Ink 5.0 Contract

In Ink 5.0, the Static Buffer size can be increased. Does anyone know HOW to do that? This PR mentions several methods they were considering: I tried the ...
1 vote
0 answers

What happens to smart contracts when breaking changes are introduced to ink?

I've seen breaking changes mentioned in this issue for upgrading set_code_hash. This got me thinking, what happens to existing contracts when a breaking change to ink is introduced? For example, we're ...
1 vote
0 answers

"ContractTrapped" Error even with successful cross-contract call

let result_call = ink::env::call::build_call::<Environment>() .call(self.escrow_address) .gas_limit(0) .transferred_value(0) ...
1 vote
0 answers

What could be the reason for my contract throwing "ContractTrapped"? Other cross contract calls are successful, but not in this code

The force_vote function in voting contract places a call to a different contract easily, but when I want to get some data from the other contract as well, it fails. Similarly in the function where the ...
1 vote
0 answers

error build_call

#[ink(message)] pub fn get_flip2_buill_call(&mut self, token_contract_address: AccountId, account_id: AccountId )-> i32 { let my_return_value = build_call::<DefaultEnvironment>() ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to curl `ink!` contract storage?

I'm trying to use curl to query an ink contract's storage using the RPC of substrate. I've looked at the below question How do I call the RPC method `contractInfoOf` using curl? but it does not ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to resolve "mismatched types" error while ink_e2e test : expected String, found Vec<u8>

I am working with ink_e2e testing framework in ink smart contract, and I have encountered an error message that's a bit confusing. The error says: mismatched types - expected String, found Vec<u8&...

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