The force_vote function in voting contract places a call to a different contract easily, but when I want to get some data from the other contract as well, it fails. Similarly in the function where the funds get distributed it is throwing "ContractTrapped" error. If I try hardcoding the values, it works fine, but not in this case. Am I doing something wrong here?
pub fn force_vote(&mut self, _vote_id: u32) -> Result<()> {
if self.env().caller() != self.admin {
return Err(Error::UnAuthorisedCall);
if self.vote_id_to_info.get(_vote_id).unwrap().admin_hit_time
> self.env().block_timestamp()
return Err(Error::RightsNotActivatedYet);
let mut x = self.vote_id_to_info.get(_vote_id).unwrap();
if !x.is_active {
return Err(Error::ResultAlreadyPublished);
if x.decided_deadline > 0 {
let result_call = ink::env::call::build_call::<Environment>()
.push_arg(&x.decided_deadline + self.env().block_timestamp())
if matches!(result_call.unwrap().unwrap(), Result::Ok(())) {
//middleout changes
// let payment_info = ink::env::call::build_call::<Environment>()
// .call(self.escrow_address)
// .gas_limit(0)
// .transferred_value(0)
// .exec_input(
// ink::env::call::ExecutionInput::new(ink::env::call::Selector::new(
// ink::selector_bytes!("get_paymentinfo"),
// ))
// .push_arg(x.audit_id),
// )
// .returns::<Option<PaymentInfo>>()
// .invoke()
// .unwrap();
// let push_value =
// payment_info.value * 5 / 100 + self.get_treasury_info(_vote_id).unwrap();
// // let push_value = self.internal_value_calculator(_vote_id, 5, x.audit_id);
// self.vote_id_to_treasury.insert(_vote_id, &push_value);
let bal: Balance = 1000;
self.vote_id_to_treasury.insert(_vote_id, &bal);
x.is_active = false;
x.decided_deadline = (x.decided_deadline) / (x.available_votes as Timestamp);
x.decided_haircut = (x.decided_haircut) / (x.available_votes as Balance);
self.vote_id_to_info.insert(_vote_id, &x);
self.env().emit_event(FinalVotePushed {
id: _vote_id,
pusher: self.env().caller(),
return Ok(());
} else {
return Err(Error::AssessmentFailed);
} else if x.decided_deadline == 0 {
let result_call = ink::env::call::build_call::<Environment>()
if matches!(result_call.unwrap().unwrap(), Result::Ok(())) {
// let payment_info = ink::env::call::build_call::<Environment>()
// .call(self.escrow_address)
// .gas_limit(0)
// .transferred_value(0)
// .exec_input(
// ink::env::call::ExecutionInput::new(ink::env::call::Selector::new(
// ink::selector_bytes!("get_paymentinfo"),
// ))
// .push_arg(x.audit_id),
// )
// .returns::<Option<PaymentInfo>>()
// .invoke()
// .unwrap();
// let push_value =
// payment_info.value * 5 / 100 + self.get_treasury_info(_vote_id).unwrap();
// let push_value = self.internal_value_calculator(_vote_id, 5, x.audit_id);
// self.vote_id_to_treasury.insert(_vote_id, &push_value);
let bal: Balance = 1000;
self.vote_id_to_treasury.insert(_vote_id, &bal);
x.is_active = false;
self.vote_id_to_info.insert(_vote_id, &x);
return Ok(());
} else {
return Err(Error::AssessmentFailed);
return Err(Error::UnAuthorisedCall);