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Unanswered Questions

124 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is it a good idea to unify the asset manager implementation across different parachains?

I'm currently learning about the XCM staff; it's always necessary to have an asset_id and XCM location mapping between HRMP-connected parachains when it comes to XCM transfers. I summarized the ...
1 vote
3 answers

Are there examples on how to query data on another parachain using XCM?

We would like to query some state about balances or parachain-staking pallets on other parachains. Is there an example to do this using the querying system that is semi-complex? I see this exists ...
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0 answers

Will XCM ever support transferring assets from Polkadot parachains to Kusama parachains, and vice versa?

The polkadot wiki describes XCM as a messaging format and a language used to communicate between consensus systems. XCM as a language is expressive enough to describe such a transfer between a ...
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0 answers

Anyone have a sample repo that use pallet-asset-conversion Im using the Substrate Solochain Template? This is the template I use. This is the pallet, I'm trying to add to the template
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0 answers

How to limit xcm transfers to sudo account

I would like to limit xcm transfers to only the sudo account, aka only the sudo account should be able to call limited_teleport_assets and move tokens to the relaychain or other parachains. How would ...
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0 answers

Why does pallet-babe have a `MaxNominators` configuration?

Going through the pallet again for a project and I can see that it has a config item for MaxNominators which unsurprisingly has the following description: The maximum number of nominators for each ...
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1 answer

Running some large computation

What will happen if I loop through 1000 or 10000 values in a vector. Will the transaction fail or block time will increase?
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0 answers

How can implement less frequent empty block and instant confirmation for transactions by modifying babe consensus?

async fn propose_with( self, inherent_data: InherentData, inherent_digests: Digest, deadline: time::Instant, block_size_limit: Option<usize>, ) -> ...
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1 answer

XCM Transactions - Polkadot to Asset Hub (Statemint)

I understood how to create a message to send some DOT from polkadot to asset hub. My main question is, how to track the whole flow of the transactions to be sure it succeeded? To contextualise, I have ...
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0 answers

frame-benchmarking-0.35.0: use of undeclared crate or module `alloc`

I am trying to upgrade the base-parachain to v1.13.0 and got an issue with the frame-benchmarking. This error coming from the frame-benchmarking crate which throws an error error[E0433]: failed to ...
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1 answer

Using other pallets in benchmarking

Im in pallet x - and in one of the benchmarking functions, i need to access a storage map from a pallet y. Hence what my approach was - add the pallet y in the cargo.toml dev dependencies of pallet x, ...
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1 answer

What is the proper way to replace a pallet with an entirely new one in a runtime migration?

We have pallet_xyz and we want to replace it with pallet_abc at the exact same pallet index, i.e. just removing one and replacing the other. What's the proper way to migrate this? More specifically, ...
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0 answers

XCM fee payment with destination on-chain asset balance

Is there a way in XCM v3/v4 to charge a user XCM fees using something else than what's in the holding registry at the time the fees are to be taken? Specifically, I'm talking about deducting a user's ...
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0 answers

Why is the index of a pallet a u32(usize) instead of u8 when queried?

I'm implementing a flow where I first ask what index a pallet has with the QueryPallet xcm instruction, and then construct a call to use with Transact. I see that to construct manually an encoded call ...
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0 answers

Runtime support for XCM message passing

Can someone help me pinpoint which pallets and APIs are required from a runtime perspective to implement support for passing XCM messages between parachains (if I decide to implement it from scratch) ?...

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