Is it possible to add support for other cryptographic algorithms, or are we only allowed to use the implemented ones?

The implemented ones are sr25519, ed25519, ecdsa(secp256k1, not secp256r1).

I tried following this oracle example, but it seems to only wrap around sr25519. I then tried to mirror the ecdsa implementation but now I got to the point of trying to implement the RuntimePublic trait, but I see that for other algorithms, it is calling functions that talk to the Keystore through the Crypto trait

I finally saw that getting keys of a certain algorithm is hardcoded in the Keystore, and when getting all of the keys regardless of the algo used, it still converts it into those 3 algorithms.

It seems that substrate only lets you define crypto types only as a renamed version of the same algorithm, and not create new ones on other elliptic curves for example. Is this the case?

Hardcoded crypto conversions of public keys from the Keystore:

impl SyncCryptoStore for LocalKeystore {
    fn keys(&self, id: KeyTypeId) -> std::result::Result<Vec<CryptoTypePublicPair>, TraitError> {
        let raw_keys = self.0.read().raw_public_keys(id)?;
        Ok(raw_keys.into_iter().fold(Vec::new(), |mut v, k| {
            v.push(CryptoTypePublicPair(sr25519::CRYPTO_ID, k.clone()));
            v.push(CryptoTypePublicPair(ed25519::CRYPTO_ID, k.clone()));
            v.push(CryptoTypePublicPair(ecdsa::CRYPTO_ID, k));

How an algorithm like secp256k1 retrieves from the Keystore:

        fn ecdsa_public_keys(&self, key_type: KeyTypeId) -> Vec<ecdsa::Public> {
                .map(|v| {
                        .filter_map(|k| ecdsa::Public::from_slice(k.as_slice()).ok())
    } // impl SyncCryptoStore for LocalKeystore

1 Answer 1


It seems that substrate only lets you define crypto types only as a renamed version of the same algorithm, and not create new ones on other elliptic curves for example. Is this the case?

Yes that is the case.

However, you can use insert_unknown to insert opaque private keys to the keystore and then use key_pair to get the private key. However, that will not work from the runtime.

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