I am getting the below error when I build and run substrate-parachain-template
using zombienet. I am using the latest release (master branch of substate-parachain-template
) which uses the latest substrate branch polkadot-v1.0.0
I was able to run a relay chain and parachain network successfully using the older branch polkadot-v0.9.43
. But when I cloned the latest (master branch, which uses substrate branch polkadot-v1.0.0
) I get the error below. I have also attached my Zombienet config after the error.
This error only happens with branch v1.0.0
of substrate-parachain-template
Error: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: bash -c binaries/parachain-template-node-v1.0.0 export-genesis-state --chain zn-db/template-rococo-1000-rococo-local.json > zn-db/cfg/genesis-state-1000 && binaries/parachain-template-node-v1.0.0 export-genesis-wasm --chain zn-db/template-rococo-1000-rococo-local.json > zn-db/cfg/genesis-wasm-1000
Error: Service(Client(Backend("IO error: While lock file: /Users/me/Library/Application Support/parachain-template-node-v1.0.0/chains/local_testnet/db/full/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable")))
I ran zombenet with this command
zombienet-macos -p native -d zn-db spawn ./zombienet-config.toml
Zomebienet config
timeout = 1000
default_command = "binaries/polkadot-v1.0.0"
default_args = [ "-lparachain=debug" ]
chain = "rococo-local"
name = "alice"
validator = true
ws_port = 9900
name = "bob"
validator = true
name = "charlie"
validator = true
name = "dave"
validator = true
id = 1000
cumulus_based = true
add_to_genesis = true
chain = "template-rococo"
command = "binaries/parachain-template-node-v1.0.0"
name = "parachain-A-1000-collator01"
ws_port = 9910
args = ["--log=xcm=trace,pallet-assets=trace"]
id = 1001
add_to_genesis = true
cumulus_based = true
command = "binaries/parachain-template-node-v1.0.0"
name = "parachain-B-1001-collator01"
ws_port = 9920
args = ["--log=xcm=trace,pallet-assets=trace"]
number = "u64"
parent_hash = "Hash"
post_state = "Hash"
sender = 1000
recipient = 1001
max_capacity = 8
max_message_size = 512
sender = 1001
recipient = 1000
max_capacity = 8
max_message_size = 512
-c 1
(to use single concurrency for spawning the nodes)