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3 votes

How to handle blocks with more than u16 events?

What would be a good way to handle this issue ? Opening an issue in PolkadotJs/App. Otherwise you can use the Python bindings: from substrateinterface import SubstrateInterface chain = ...
Oliver Tale-Yazdi's user avatar
3 votes

Transaction pool management

You can set --pool-kbytes and --pool-limit in your node, to allow it to not drop some extrinsics. But better than that I'd recommend you to keep track of the txpool size by calling the RPC method ...
Artur Gontijo's user avatar
2 votes

Transaction pool error: Too low priority (0 > 0)

I found the problem, and it was when implementing the validate_unsigned trait, I needed to make each extrinsic unique in the tags, and I did it by encoding the whole call, like this: ValidTransaction::...
dadzerlaze's user avatar
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how to stop listening for gossiped transaction (restrict access to the TXpool)?

Yes, transactions are gossiped via libp2p networking. If you don't want to receive/send transactions via libp2p networking you need to change the following code: let (network, system_rpc_tx, ...
bkchr's user avatar
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2 votes

How to create signed extrinsic in outer node?

Answering my own question: If you look at substrate RPC interface, calls author_submitExtrinsic and author_submitAndWatchExtrinsic correspond to submit_one and submit_and_watch of TransactionPool ...
klbrvik's user avatar
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Should we re-do the verification in runtime call?

Yes, you need to do the same checks while applying the unsigned extrinsic as in validate_block. As you need to implement ValidateUnsigned for your pallet, it will already do the verification while ...
bkchr's user avatar
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2 votes

Transactions getting stuck in tx pool, with ready status

TLDR: You are having the same issue as described here What probably happens is that one of transactions you are sending is getting rejected, because of the bug linked above. Then you continue to send ...
bkchr's user avatar
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1 vote

Can we add any checks to restrict any particular type of transactions in transaction pool?

if the user is not eligible to do the feeless transaction, the user can still call the extrinsic and maybe crash the node. In this case, the validation itself will fail. This should not cause the ...
gupnik's user avatar
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pending extrinsics jammed. How to ensure re-broadcast?

Basically your issue should be this. So, both authority nodes are seeing the transactions at some point, but then removing all of them as invalid (which is a bug). The reason why node-1 is not sending ...
bkchr's user avatar
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Pool overloading in benchmark

So I can't be 100% sure of the issue, my guess is that my validate_unsigned logic was too heavy, causing the pool to spend too much time validating and preventing it from pruning executed transactions....
Greg's user avatar
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1 vote

Are Transaction Pool and Transaction Queue the same thing?

In order for transactions to be included in the transaction pool and finally be included in a block they need to be validated and they need to be in a place, that place is the transaction queue.
dadzerlaze's user avatar
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When will I stop receiving TransactionStatus updates for a transaction submitted via author_submitAndWatchExtrinsic?

I have made an investigation, and find something interesting. The Stream trait implemented for TxProgress will end only when the event FinalityTimeout or Finalized received. But I found the RPC ...
Hk04e17 Ff17's user avatar
1 vote

Extrinsics ejected from pool with subxt::tx::TxStatus::Invalid error

The transaction status is coming from substrate directly, subxt is just forwarding the result back to users. In substrate, it is defined as TransactionStatus. Subxt calls into the watch_extrinsic RPC ...
Alexandru Vasile's user avatar

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