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3 votes

Difference between SignedExtension default behavior vs. actual behavior (expand_outer_validate_unsigned)

The lifecycle of a extrinsic validation is the following: The transaction pool call the Runtime API validate_transaction method There, validate_transaction from the Executive pallet is called. uxt is ...
NachoPal's user avatar
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3 votes

Unsigned Transactions vs Signed Extensions

Have a look to Bruno's answer here. It covers both rationale and transaction lifecycle for unsigned extrinsics.
Iker's user avatar
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2 votes

Should we re-do the verification in runtime call?

Yes, you need to do the same checks while applying the unsigned extrinsic as in validate_block. As you need to implement ValidateUnsigned for your pallet, it will already do the verification while ...
bkchr's user avatar
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2 votes

Create a signed transaction using a signature and unsigned_transaction

Subxt should be able to do anything that makes sense in this area. For your first function, Subxt can help to construct the "call data" part of an extrinsic (check out the examples in ...
jsdw's user avatar
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1 vote

Simulate transaction before sending

you can try validate_transaction by calling into the runtime api using the client that you can get handle from outer node or from -> developer -> Runtime ...
dadzerlaze's user avatar
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SignedExtension to mutate Origin

I have no access to it simply because it's a macro that gets expanded on compile time. You can actually replace the generated code with the edits as and it should be possible to use it. Next ...
Purple_Turtle's user avatar
1 vote

SignedExtension to mutate Origin

Very interesting problem but I believe you cannot modify ensure_signed as per this answer. Is it possible to define a custom origin in my pallet?
Mrisho Lukamba's user avatar
1 vote

Create a signed transaction using a signature and unsigned_transaction

Take a look at TxWrapper, it has exactly this function. function createSignedTx( ...
joepetrowski's user avatar
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1 vote

Difference between SignedExtension default behavior vs. actual behavior (expand_outer_validate_unsigned)

I think @robert-la-ferla and I may have answered the question that I had originally. To recap, for an UnsignedExtension, looking at primitives/runtime/src/generic/checked_exstrinsic#validate, the ...
Shannon Wells's user avatar

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