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12 votes

How can a project prolong a parachain slot lease in Kusama?

How to extend a slot on the relay chain To extend a slot on the relay chain the parachain team needs to secure a new slot via an auction. There are several approaches to doing so. Therefore your team ...
Santiago Balaguer's user avatar
7 votes

Parachain lease extension: Swap ParaID as well

When swapping between two parachains you are transfering slot information of each one to the other, same thing happens with crowdloan info. swap is part of registrar pallet, and defines that for this ...
Alejandro - R 0 G U E's user avatar
4 votes

Where to request a temporary parachain slot on Rococo?

It looks like they have created this process to request rococo slots.
Dutt's user avatar
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4 votes

Where to request a temporary parachain slot on Rococo?

This does not directly answer your question as I am not sure where to request a slot now that the channel is closed and I am pretty sure you still need to request someone from Parity to initiate the ...
Dutt's user avatar
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2 votes

Parachain lease extension: Swap ParaID as well

Yes it is possible to keep the paraId with overlapping slots by calling the registrar > swap extrinsic. I agree that non-overlapping slots takes a bit of logistics and planning e.g. making sure you ...
Bruno's user avatar
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2 votes

Is the Aura Slot Inherent Necessary?

When using Aura as a standalone chain the slot worker is used to drive block production. The slot worker requires that the InherentDataProvider includes the slot number (
André's user avatar
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1 vote

why assigned rococo parachain slots in parathread?

When a parachain lease ends, it becomes a parathread, and its existing state root and Wasm stays on the relay chain. There was probably something wrong with your onboarding. After re-onboard it, looks ...
Alex Bean's user avatar
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1 vote

Modify the Genesis file/WASM after getting the slot but before the parachain creates the block

Yes, that's the calls you need. You can only open a referendum on relaychain to update the genesis. And I think this is reasonable. Because users bid/contribute for your parachain slot, you shouldn't ...
aurexav's user avatar
  • 11.2k
1 vote

Rococo Parathread / Parachain -> Slot Rotation still working?

It should be working but just in case we assigned you again a temporary slot. Let us know if you see this issue again. We will be attentive.
Bruno's user avatar
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1 vote

Connect a parachain to a custom relay chain without sudo

The tutorial says "using the sudo pallet". If you don't have the sudo pallet, you need to add it, or create a different pallet which allows for parachains to be registered in a way that ...
Shawn Tabrizi's user avatar
  • 16.3k

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