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5 votes

How does the PolkadotApps get the lease period?

So for clarity we wrote out a lot of parachain auctions, leases, crowdloan logic in substrate-api-sidecar to which you can checkout if you want more information about what you can query and grab. Okay ...
Tarik Gul's user avatar
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5 votes

How does my parachain crowdloan pallet work with Slot Auction + Crowdfunding?

I think you are misunderstanding the mechanism of rewards for participants in a crowdloan that exist on your parachain and the slot auctions and crowdloans that exist on the relay chain. Relay chains ...
Nuke's user avatar
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4 votes

How does my parachain crowdloan pallet work with Slot Auction + Crowdfunding?

Everything running on Polkadot & Kusama is OSS, there is nothing "private" or "hidden" or deployed without the source being available: Crowdloans source Auctions source
Jaco's user avatar
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3 votes

Update parathread WASMs during auction

UPDATE: The information in this answer regarding locks being set at crowdloan creation is no longer correct. After the implementation of RFC#14 no manager lock is set for a parachain at the creation ...
Alejandro - R 0 G U E's user avatar
3 votes

How to participate in block auctions as a parathread?

The "pay-as-you-go" functionality is not yet implemented for parathreads. It is on the roadmap. Currently, becoming a parathread is a first step prior to becoming a parachain. First you ...
Bruno's user avatar
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3 votes

What's a great way to see what parachain auctions are happening right now?

Kusama Crowdloans Polkadot.js Apps - Kusama Subscan - Kusama CoinMarketCap - Kusama Auctions Polkadot.js Apps - Kusama Subscan - Kusama CoinMarketCap - Kusama Both Crowdloans & Auctions ...
Luke Schoen's user avatar
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2 votes

What's a great way to see what parachain auctions are happening right now?

Aside from looking directly on the polkadot.js site, I like to use
jakerumbles's user avatar
2 votes

How to test parachain + Slot Auction + Crowdloan in Rococo chain?

I'd suggest to run a local rococo with polkadot-launch where you can quickly launch your own relaychain and parachain. You can also tweak the config file to not automatically onboard your parachain. ...
h4x3rotab's user avatar
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2 votes

Opening crowdloan for already running parachain with same ParaId

There are two things to consider here, non of which are changed with RFC-14: A paraID can't have a Crowdloan Fund if there is already an existing fund mapped to that paraID (source). A Crowdloan Fund ...
Santiago Balaguer's user avatar
1 vote

How polkadot open their slot for auction?

Does this answer your question : ?
Purple_Turtle's user avatar
1 vote

Parachain cannot build blocks after winning a slot

So we found the issue, thanks to the checklist here - Thanks a bunch @bruno. We had previously checked whether author.hasKey worked, and we overlooked it since it didn't return true for us on t0rn. ...
AwesomeIbex's user avatar
1 vote

Kusama parachain auction scheduling

The auction should had started at the beginning of LP26 and it did not, it failed. The reason behind it is that with the new OpenGov the origin of the extrinsics changed and this one particularly is ...
Adam Wierzbicki's user avatar

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