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8 votes

Substrate Meta Transaction

The signAndSend in the JS API is actually a process you can split into 2 parts: .signAsync(...) and .send(...), internally the JS API does exactly that when calling signAndSend(...). However even when ...
Jaco's user avatar
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7 votes

How would someone go without the SUDO pallet?

They use the Democracy pallet. This pallet also offers you the possibility to execute sudo calls. See here.
bkchr's user avatar
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6 votes

Render Sudo without a runtime upgrade

The suggestion of setting the Sudo key to something like the address with all 1's sounds reasonable, although I would suggest in the long term to remove the pallet using a runtime upgrade if you ...
Shawn Tabrizi's user avatar
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4 votes

Deposit on registrar.forceRegister(who,deposit,id,genesisHead,validationCode)?

After going around this for some time, I realized a couple of things that might be worth sharing. TL;DR -> when using Root account, deposit can be anything, including 0. The registrar code clearly ...
Santiago Balaguer's user avatar
4 votes

How to create pallet errors for sudo that show up on the Polkadot JS apps interface?

I'm afraid at the moment the UI does not show these errors. This seems to be a UX fail but I am hopeful that we can fix it. This is the issue to watch: (...
Squirrel's user avatar
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4 votes

Sudo option is missing

When the pallet doesn't show, it means it is not included in the runtime. Since the Polkadot repo is meant to support the live/production Polkadot network, this module is not included in the runtime ...
Jaco's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is remark not shown when executed with Root?

When you wrap a call, only the root is displayed, this means - utility.batch([ system.remark(...), ... ]) will show the batch transaction under extrinsics sudo.sudo(system.remark(...)) will show the ...
Jaco's user avatar
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3 votes

How To Remove The Sudo Pallet Safely

You can follow this PR. This is how we handle it on our mainnet.
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
3 votes

How Polkadot transition Sudo into On chain governance?

One of the key features that Substrate is build around is the ability to perform runtime upgrades. This feature allows for the logic of a blockchain to change over time. Polkadot and Kusama both used ...
Nuke's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is remark not shown when executed with Root?

I think you should use remark_with_event. Otherwise, you can not see the event. Can this answer your question?
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
2 votes

sudo(bridgeRococoGrandpa.setOwner()) call resulting in BadOrigin error

I am not sure what specific pallet you are calling, but likely the error here is due to the way the extrinsic is designed. The extrinsic in question probably has: // Check the origin is from an ...
Shawn Tabrizi's user avatar
  • 16.2k
2 votes

What is the intended purpose of `sudo_as` from the sudo pallet?

Yes Sudo::sudo_as can be used to impersonate any other account of type Signed whereas Sudo::sudo provides Root. When I would like to stop this dispatch from being executed, I could use the ...
Oliver Tale-Yazdi's user avatar
2 votes

ensure_root in ink!

This is not possible because a contract assumes to be always called by a another address. In order for that to work we would need to add this functionality to pallet-contracts. We would need a host ...
Alexander Theißen's user avatar
2 votes

How To Remove The Sudo Pallet Safely

There is currently no call in the sudo pallet to set the key to None. Undeploying the pallet is therefore the only non-hacky secure solution. There are other ways, like setting the key to 0x000... or ...
Oliver Tale-Yazdi's user avatar
2 votes

polkadot explorer getting stuck while using utility and sudo pallet from extrinsics

This is a performance issue. I've encountered it before as well. What I did was open a new browser and try using different wallets. It appears that signing a WASM significantly affects performance.
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
2 votes

Sudo option is missing

git cherrypick this commit and read the commit comment for the step to fixup the Cargo.toml after: That will ...
Squirrel's user avatar
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1 vote

How to use `setStorage` in Polkadot JS Apps? Entries cannot be decoded after setting

The key is correct. The inquiry revolves around the value. How did you get the 0xdeadbeef value? You can check it against the original value to ensure the byte lengths match. Additionally, I recommend ...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
1 vote

Sudo account reward remainder

RewardRemainder need an object that implement OnUnbalanced. We ...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
1 vote

ensure_root in ink!

UPDATE: A PR has been merged to master that allows Root to call contracts and adds the caller_is_root() -> bool method. You can then use this to build your custom ensure_root.
Juan Girini's user avatar
1 vote

What root dispatches are absolutely necessary to run a parachain?

You can write a call if the matched user calls it, then dispatch a parachain_system::Call::<T>::authorize_upgrade(code_hash); call. And one thing I need to point out. Being able to call the ...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
1 vote

How to force runtime upgrades only after an enactment period of three months with the sudo pallet?

What transactions should be filtered, so that this rule can't be avoided by the sudo user? You do not force sudo to do anything. Sudo is the force. Sudo::sudo results in Root and can arbitrarily ...
Oliver Tale-Yazdi's user avatar
1 vote

Connect a parachain to a custom relay chain without sudo

The tutorial says "using the sudo pallet". If you don't have the sudo pallet, you need to add it, or create a different pallet which allows for parachains to be registered in a way that ...
Shawn Tabrizi's user avatar
  • 16.2k
1 vote

Sudo option is not showing up on PolkadotUI - Substrate

Only when the PolkadotApps detect the sudo key in your wallet, the sudo component will be loaded. After some discussions. I found the Substrate version is quite old. If you open your browser console, ...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
1 vote


Xavier is right, and I'll show you how to kill it. Get the storage key from chain state Then kill it by system.killStorage (sudo or governance)
Guantong's user avatar
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It looks like you are trying to do this multiple times. Sometimes, I make mistakes on my testnet (upload wrong WASM). Then I use sudo to kill the storage. Kill the ParachainSystem::...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar

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