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cannot create module: instance allocation for this module requires 74376 bytes which exceeds the configured maximum of 65536 bytes

Try in to benchmark node pallets after Polkadot upgrade from 0.9.36 to 0.9.38 and get cannot create module: instance allocation for this module requires 74376 bytes which exceeds the configured ...
Dzmitry Lahoda's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to benchmark a crate's WASM execution performance?

How to benchmark the code's WASM execution performance? I wrote a crate and want to use it in the runtime. I want to know its WASM execution time in ms. How can I get that?
aurexav's user avatar
  • 11.2k
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Use criterion for statistic driven benchmarking of Substrate pallets

Criterion version 0.4.0 seems to support WASM builds: Can we us it to benchmark extrinsics of Substrate pallets?
Achim's user avatar
  • 575
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Cannot run benchmarking: "Did not find the benchmarking metadata."

I have problems with trying to benchmark my custom pallet. I tried different scenarios and received different errors: Using the same binary: I built my node with cargo build --release --features ...
pmikolajczyk41's user avatar
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Another Benchmarking Wasm error [closed]

I asked a similar question a month ago here, and the answer/explanation was found in a failing cargo t -p pallet-nft --features runtime-benchmarks command. This time, the building part works, the ...
Kazunobu Ndong's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Benchmarking Wasm error

I am trying to do benchmarking for my pallet,but I get the following error: Error executing and verifying runtime benchmark: Execution aborted due to trap: wasm trap: wasm `unreachable` instruction ...
Kazunobu Ndong's user avatar