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Implementing Load Balancing for Multiple Validator Nodes on AWS: Seeking Suggestions

I've set up two instances on AWS, each running a validator node for a blockchain project. Here’s a quick breakdown of my configuration: First Server: Runs a validator node and a reverse proxy. It's ...
Humayun Ahmad Rajib's user avatar
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Bittensor Subtensor Chain

Does anyone know how to run a public subtensor node and synchronize with Bittensor network on nakamoto instead of the current finney ? There are some nodes currently running on nakamoto chain. I am ...
kapitankot's user avatar
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Connecting a libp2p node to the Substrate Parachain Network

Goal Add a libp2p node to the Substrate parachain network to have Idle 0 peers to 1 peer. Method I'm using mdns as the discovery mechanism. Libp2p Config: const options = { peerId: peerId, addresses:...
Peter Kim's user avatar
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Is it possible to run a node with only build file and boot node of the chain?

If i have build file(i.e target file) and boot node of the substrate chain. Can I join the network by running my validator node? Note: Our goal is to minimise the effort required for users who wish to ...
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
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How to add 3 validators node from different networks?

I want to run our substrate chain with 3 validators, and these validators will run in 3 different network. I'm following this documentation:
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
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How to calculate the node work?

I'm working on POW substrate chain, I need to calculate the workdone by each node[how much a node contribute to the chain]. Is there any way to calculate this?
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
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How to join substrate as infrastructure provider

I wanted to know the complete process of joining polkadot builders as infrastructure provider but could not get a proper guide explaining that. Can someone please tell the process and what happens in ...
Mrigesh Patni's user avatar
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How can i fetch the node identity from cli?

How we can fetch the node identity(local node identity in snapshort) after running the node i would need it so that i can make process automatic to start the second node by using that node key
Pankaj's user avatar
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Problems adding trusted Nodes on different machines on Windows 11(WSL)

I Cannot get the two Substrate Nodes to Work together in a local Network between two different PC running on Win11 + WSL I have followed the Tutorial and everything seems ok till the point that i am ...
amazing's user avatar
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Add ed25519 address to

Trying to add an ed25519 address to the chain_spec file. The node_template has the defaults vec![get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"), We would like to add a custom ...
donkeydonkey's user avatar
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Substrate Deployment for Prod/Staging

I am wondering where do you deploy your substrate nodes for production or staging? Do you deploy the nodes to some cloud servers? How many connected nodes are sufficient to keep the network running?
FWIDY's user avatar
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How to get PeerID or local node identity in bash script to enable running other node using it as bootnode in a command in script?

I want to write a script that runs node01, node02, node03 in relay chain network setup. How do I get local node identity generated from running node 01? Also I am confused on how the first validator ...
Rohitas_atr894's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Regex crate within a pallet?

I'm trying to get the regex crate to work on a pallet to check for an extrinsic input, but I can't get node to compile. Although I don't have the specific error to show, the question is if it is ...
andresvsm's user avatar
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Add Validators to your substrate node template

I generate key pairs on my first machine and modify the customspec.json and generate customspecRaw.json and distribute my customspecRaw.json to other machines I want to add. Okay My question is that ...
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How to get the hex decoded version of a Peer Id?

I see this example on Substrate's docs: Node key: c12b6d18942f5ee8528c8e2baf4e147b5c5c18710926ea492d09cbd9f6c9f82a PeerID (generated from the node key): ...
Darian Foulds's user avatar
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How to connect two nodes running on different computers?

I'm currently trying to deploy a private blockchain and I'm having problems trying to have nodes running on different machines but still communicating with each other. I've created a docker image ...
edmassarani's user avatar