I started off wanting to set and identity for a multisig I created on Polkadot, but cannot execute any transactions from the multisig.
I have an account, currently with ~6 DOT and a newly created multisig, funded with 60 DOT. Attempting to set the identity from the multisig fails, as does any attempt to create a transaction, or transfer funds (even 1 DOT fails).
Checking the TX hash revels that it fails due to Failed (SignatoriesOutOfOrder)
(The multisig was just created, so I fail to see how the signatories are out of order.
name: "threshold",
type: "U16",
type_name: "u16",
value: 2
name: "other_signatories",
type: "Vec<[U8; 32]>",
type_name: "Vec<AccountId>",
value: [
name: "maybe_timepoint",
type: "option<pallet_multisig:Timepoint>",
type_name: "Option<Timepoint<BlockNumber>>",
value: null
name: "call",
type: "Call",
type_name: "Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>",
value: {
call_index: "1c01",
call_module: "Identity",
call_name: "set_identity",
params: [
name: "info",
type: "pallet_identity:types:IdentityInfo",
value: {
additional: null,
display: {
Raw13: "Exiled Racers"
email: {
Raw21: "[email protected]"
image: {
None: "NULL"
legal: {
None: "NULL"
pgp_fingerprint: null,
riot: {
None: "NULL"
twitter: {
Raw13: "@exiledracers"
web: {
Raw24: "https://exiledracers.com"
name: "max_weight",
type: "sp_weights:weight_v2:Weight",
type_name: "Weight",
value: {
proof_size: 0,
ref_time: 0
Or it fails with Failed (InsufficientBalance)
(attempting to transfer 1 DOT).
I have no idea why this is failing, or how to debug it.