I am trying to list a parathread on Rococo using core time. I have followed all instructions mentioned here. I followed below steps:

  1. I registered a ParaId and onboarded Parathread as usual but didn't request parachain slot because I wanted to try agile core time.
  2. After onboarding, started a collator to sync with rococo.
  3. Once synced, I executed below extrinsic successfully: enter image description here
  4. I also received successful event message:

enter image description here

But on Rococo parathread page, it is still displaying as :

enter image description here

And not producing blocks.

Can somebody please help me to understand if I have missed any step?


1 Answer 1


Is the collator running and configured correctly? Checking logs there for issues would make sense. Best to enable at least debug:

RUST_LOG=parachain::collator_protocol=DEBUG ./target/release/adder-collator \
  --parachain-id=$YOUR_PARA_ID \

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