Can't connect to pokadot-js UI from my VPS blockchain
Turning a non-secure endpoint into a secure endpoint cannot be done simply by adding wss:// in-front. The wss:// assumes that there is a secure connection with a certificate. In this case if you check ...
How can I create OCW that won't activates every block, but will activates only when I call function that it represents?
There are 3 levels of answer to this question. As OCW being a commonly misunderstood topic, it is a very good question.
Simple Answer
First, a crude and objectively inefficient answer. You can use the ...
Only one node should make http call from OCW
"And have a question is it possible to configure OCW so that if one node starts an HTTP call in OCW other nodes will skip it", you can add a judgement to make sure only the author of the ...
Can we enable off-chain workers http client to support web-sockets request?
Phala Network has a design for Fat Contracts called the SideVM (requires deploying local testnet to use for now). You can check out some examples here Fat Contract Examples. We also enable HTTPS ...
Can't connect to pokadot-js UI from my VPS blockchain
You can run up polkadot-js locally if that's easier for you?
git clone https://github.com/polkadot-js/apps
yarn run start
Run Substrate-node-template with wss and secure rpc
You have to proxy it behind a proxy-ing webserver (for example nginx) since the node itself cannot provide a valid certificate. More info can be found on the polkadot wiki. For nginx you can add the ...
How to setup bootnode to use DNS address instead of IP4?
The issue here might be that you are just missing /wss
So it should be --bootnodes "/dns/{CUSTOM_DOMAIN}/tcp/443/wss/p2p/{PEER_ID}"
Let us know if this solved your problem!
How to setup bootnode to use DNS address instead of IP4?
You need to modify your chain specification, best place being in the source itself, secondarily in the plain chain spec generated from that source, you can modify it and then convert it to raw. This ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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https × 9rpc × 3
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consensus × 1
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