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List all balance changes of an account on a Substrate-based chain

My goal is to list all balance changes for an account on a Substrate-based chain like Acala. I assumed that on Substrate-based chains all incoming and outgoing values to and from an account would be ...
Aman's user avatar
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Sending native token in loop not running

Please explain why the following occurs When this method is called, the tokens are equally divided and distributed to the user. (as expected) All user balances get updated with the new amounts. #[ink(...
0xD1x0n's user avatar
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Collect some transfer fees before any transaction

I want to collect some transfer fee besides base, weight, length fee before user makes a transaction. Like if the base + weight + length fee = 0.1 And For every transaction I want to add additional 0....
Lovish Arora's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to make TransferAll transaction with txwrapper?

We want transfer the entire transferable balance with txwrapper-core. Is there a guide for this? (ex. The value needs to be empty). We make the transaction with txwrapper-core and broadcast it with ...
PaperFrog's user avatar
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Cannot map Enum JSON, unable to find 'aUSD' in token in api.tx.currencies.transfer

I'm trying to transfer aUSD test token from one wallet to another on my dapp using Polkadot.js wallet. Sender's wallet is connected to Mandala TC7 test. I read this at Acala's site and I'm trying to ...
ratib90486's user avatar
4 votes
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Can't get transaction hash from signAndSend of Polkadot.js

I'm new and I'm trying to get the transaction hash but I'm only getting undefined. I used this tutorial and this and below is my code. const txHash = await polkadot.tx.balances .transfer('5F1pZe........
ratib90486's user avatar
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KSM DOT Extrinsic difference?

Does anyone know that is there a difference between DOT / KSM / Westend transactions? Context: A common send/transfer transaction... I can generate same pk and address for Dot and KSm and WST chains ...
atesz's user avatar
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How to check the status of a transaction (after sending)

I'm aware of using a callback in signAndSend or sign to verify if a transaction is finalized (like here: Is there a way to do this after the ...
Michael Ramuta's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I intercept a transaction in pallet_balance?

In what way can I intercept a transfer in pallet_balance? For example, I would like to check that the user has an identity in pallet_identity before completing a transfer with pallet_balance.
Huy Duan Tran's user avatar
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Can I transfer the balance to the same address on Polkadot?

Can I send a balance when my from address and to address are the same? The reason for asking these questions is to deal with exceptions during development. Of course, I can test it myself, but I don't ...
PaperFrog's user avatar
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