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offchain worker choose key to sign and send

I have multiple keys in my node storage with offchain worker running, there are currently 2 ways to sign and send transactions, it is done either for all of the keys stored locally, or 1 unspecified ...
cocokick's user avatar
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Why Off-chain worker does not deduct DispatchError in Substrate?

I am trying Substrate official off-chain example. I am throwing a DispatchError in my extrinsic. #[pallet::call_index(0)] #[pallet::weight({0})] pub fn submit_price(origin: OriginFor&...
Boleng's user avatar
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Not able to submit multiple signed transactions through off-chain worker

I have to submit 2 signed extrinsics through off-chain worker. The code structure of my off-chain worker is like this: fn offchain_worker(block_number: BlockNumberFor<T>) { if !...
Boleng's user avatar
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Is there e2e testing framework/example for Substrate solo chain?

I am working on a live solo chain. I have to test a scenario where I want to hit HTTP API through off chain-worker. Unfortunately it's not possible to test in mock environment. We can take an example ...
Boleng's user avatar
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How to send HTTP POST request using Substrate Offchain worker

I am using Substrate official example to send HTTP POST request, which is mentioned here
Boleng's user avatar
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How to execute smart contract from offchain-worker?

Would it be possible to execute smart contract call from an offchain-worker, either using ink! or pallet-contracts? Can someone please help me to provide the solution? is there any example?
Boleng's user avatar
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offchain indexing for large files

I'm new to the project and currently working on a pallet, which is supposed to deal with large files offchain. Pallet, offchain indexing and the offchain worker are all working fine, still I get "...
langi667's user avatar