Subsrate-node-template uses Aura as a default block authoring algorithem. How can one repalace aura with babe?


3 Answers 3


You can replace aura with babe but easier way is to use the substrate node directly which already implements babe and has NPoS consensus.

If you still want to convert aura to babe than first go through their definitions, babe is a weight based algorithm and aura is round robin. So to change it first you need to change node/src/service.rs file in node-template you can have reference from here and you also need to change the client and grandpa according to babe.


As Substrate-node-template is based on POA(Proof of Authority) Consensus. In order to replace aura with babe you need to shift the substrate-node-template to POS(proof of stake) consensus.


I have integrated the POS in fresh node-template on polkadot-v1.0.0

Here you can find the POS(proof-of-stake) node-template with babe: https://github.com/Aideepakchaudhary/POA-to-POS


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