Say you have two account ids Aid(A) and Aid(B) and you want to combine them.e.g. XOR( Aid(A), Aid(B) ).
Basically, I want to achieve this;
T::Hashing::hash_of(&(idA, idB)) == T::Hashing::hash_of(&(idB, idA))
We can always represent types inside of the runtime as their encoded blobs (Vec<u8>
), so this question breaks down to "How do you XOR two Vec<u8>
For that, I see this thread:
So a full solution would look like:
let idA: T::AccountId = account_a;
let idB: T::AccountId = account_b;
let mut bytesA: Vec<u8> = idA.encode();
let bytesB: Vec<u8> = idB.encode();
// `bytesA` is being modified in place.
// You could also allocate a new vector if you want.
.for_each(|(x1, x2)| *x1 ^= *x2);
let new_account = T::AccountId::decode(bytesA)
"all bytes are valid accounts, and the source of
these bytes is the xor of two other accounts, thus
this must also be a valid account. qed"