I'm a semi-engineer/developer/customer-support working in Tokyo, Japan.
I started getting into coding last year and fell in love with a few programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and Rust.
Though far from being an expert I enjoy learning, though I am picky when it comes to syntax :)
Besides work I have a few projects yet to be published but I will most probably publish all my work under the MIT license as I am an advocate for freedom.
One last thing...
I am a christian and I believe that there is a purpose for all things.
As such I simply am against all unfairness and inequality in privilege, though can't be said the same for the outcome of such things.
I don't like doing things that is not profitable to those who are honest, weak, or unlearned. I believe we should be spending our time uplifting those who are, helping them and build a stronger foundation for each generation that comes after us, that our children be blessed with more knowledge of truth and wisdom than ever before to surpass us, and become united.
Thanks for reading? lol