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Support WeightV2 in a substrate chain?

I started working from the substrate-parachain-template and added the pallet_contracts to the runtime. When I open the Contracts UI, I'm getting the error message that states the node does not support ...
Snowmead's user avatar
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In the runtime chain extension, should we be charging weight if we are reading a `StorageMap`?

If we have the storage map DummyStorageMap in pallet-example And we read its value under the key key by calling DummyStorageMap::<T>::get(key) in the runtime chain extension (https://paritytech....
aang114's user avatar
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ink! contract extrinsics only take 10-11% block weights when stress test

I have an ink! contract project and I'm doing stress test to benchmark the performance of this ink! contract project in a production chain. My stress test includes these steps: Deploy ink! projects ...
Daniel Lam's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How do I find the gas consumed by a contracts extrinsic?

I am querying extrinsic data and I am able to fetch gasLimit and gasPrice out of Extrinsic.method.args. But how do I fetch the amount of gas used from an extrinsic?
user2395's user avatar