When running an API function using rust, we get this error:

GenericError { reason: "Failed to get unsigned proposals: FailedToDecodeReturnValue { function: \"DKGApi_get_unsigned_proposals\", error: Error { cause: None, desc: \"Not enough data to fill buffer\" } }" }

What could be causing this?


Repository: https://github.com/webb-tools/dkg-substrate

Host OS: Mac Ventura

CPU: Mac M1

Substrate: 0.9.39

Executed in repository root with: ./scripts/run-standalone.sh --clean

Error raised at: https://github.com/webb-tools/dkg-substrate/blob/a1ac55ae6d8b8218aceef3731a1c3567af29b302/dkg-gadget/src/signing_manager/mod.rs#L101



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