I follow this instruction link to deploy an upgradable contract link. When I have to deploy the contract only gives me 2 methods flip and get. When I want to change the forward contract to invoke the change_forward_address method, the method Disappeared. Please help

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


As mentioned at the end of the README :

To change the address of the smart contract where calls are forwarded to, you would switch the metadata (i.e. the Contract ABI) back to the forwards_calls contract and then invoke the change_forward_address message.

You would have to change again the metadata of the contract "FLIPPER PROXY" (assuming that this is the "FORWARD CALLS" contract that you initially changed its metadata) following the same steps (also mentioned in the README) as before in polkadot-js apps:

  • Click on the name of FLIPPER_PROXY and copy its address
  • Click on the top right button "Add an existing contract", insert the just copied address and upload the forward_calls.contract for the Contract ABI.

Then the methods changeForwardAddress and forward should re-appear under "FLIPPER PROXY".

  • Thanks for replay, It Solved Commented Apr 26, 2023 at 15:05

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