
// construct a list of transactions we want to batch
const txs = [
  api.tx.balances.transfer(addrBob, 12345), (1)
  api.tx.balances.transfer(addrEve, 12345), (2)
  api.tx.staking.unbond(12345) (3)

// construct the batch and send the transactions
  .signAndSend(sender, ({ status }) => {
    if (status.isInBlock) {
      console.log(included in ${status.asInBlock});

If transaction (2) failed ( don't have enough balance fee to send anymore). So how can I block all the chain transactions or if don't, how can I handle the error comes out?

Currently, The batchAll method does not respond to any error and the result is, (1), (3) success, and 2 fail.

3 Answers 3


Like @Iker mentioned batch_all sends a batch of dispatch calls and atomically executes them. The whole transaction will rollback and fail if any of the calls fail.

This video on the utility pallet may be helpful:

Here is an example for listening for system.ExtrinsicFailed as noted here:

const txs = [
  api.tx.balances.transfer(EVE, 5000000),
  // api.tx.balances.setBalance(EVE, 100000000, 0),
  api.tx.system.remark('hello world'.repeat(10)),

await api.tx.utility.batchAll(txs).signAndSend(alice, ({ status, events }) => {
  if (status.isInBlock || status.isFinalized) {
      // find/filter for failed events
      .filter(({ event }) =>
      // we know that data for system.ExtrinsicFailed is
      // (DispatchError, DispatchInfo)
      .forEach(({ event: { data: [error, info] } }) => {
        if (error.isModule) {
          // for module errors, we have the section indexed, lookup
          const decoded = api.registry.findMetaError(error.asModule);
          const { docs, method, section } = decoded;

          console.log(`${section}.${method}: ${docs.join(' ')}`);
        } else {
          // Other, CannotLookup, BadOrigin, no extra info


identity.NotNamed: Account isn't named.

If you are using sudo then you would listen for the Sudid event as noted here:

const txs = [
  api.tx.balances.forceTransfer(ALICE, BOB, 100),
  // api.tx.balances.transfer(EVE, 5000000),
  api.tx.balances.setBalance(BOB, 1000, 0),
  api.tx.balances.forceTransfer(BOB, EVE, 10000),
  api.tx.system.remark('hello world'.repeat(10)),

const unsub = await api.tx.sudo.sudo(api.tx.utility.batchAll(txs)).signAndSend(alice, ({ status, events }) => {
  if (status.isInBlock || status.isFinalized) {
      // We know this tx should result in `Sudid` event.
      .filter(({ event }) =>
      // We know that `Sudid` returns just a `Result`
      .forEach(({ event : { data: [result] } }) => {
        // Now we look to see if the extrinsic was actually successful or not...
        if (result.isError) {
          let error = result.asError;
          if (error.isModule) {
            // for module errors, we have the section indexed, lookup
            const decoded = api.registry.findMetaError(error.asModule);
            const { docs, name, section } = decoded;

            console.log(`${section}.${name}: ${docs.join(' ')}`);
          } else {
            // Other, CannotLookup, BadOrigin, no extra info


balances.InsufficientBalance: Balance too low to send value
  • this is done batchAll in the interface. I want to handle errors in code. any example? Commented Apr 5, 2023 at 7:27
  • The video shows an example where there is an error in the batch_all, specifically here. You will get a system.ExtrinsicFailed event with the error of the specific transaction that failed.
    – Bruno
    Commented Apr 5, 2023 at 7:29
  • understood that error showing. But I want to ask to handle the error at codes. Commented Apr 5, 2023 at 7:39
  • Updated with a code example.
    – Bruno
    Commented Apr 5, 2023 at 9:37
  • In your case. Is the method throwing an error and stopping transactions? I do exactly your example but in console.log error on chrome. I don't see any throwing error message Commented Apr 5, 2023 at 10:21

If you need atomic execution of all the batched calls in the transaction you have to use the batch_all method. With this call, the whole transaction will rollback and fail if any of the calls failed.

You can check the source code of this dispatchable for more information.


I found this example. it helps me to log the error, Transactions are still executed and a few seconds later the console.log is displayed. I tried putting in try-catch but it doesn't jump in catch()

  .transfer(recipient, 123)
  .signAndSend(sender, ({ status, events, dispatchError }) => {
    // status would still be set, but in the case of error we can shortcut
    // to just check it (so an error would indicate InBlock or Finalized)
    if (dispatchError) {
      if (dispatchError.isModule) {
        // for module errors, we have the section indexed, lookup
        const decoded = api.registry.findMetaError(dispatchError.asModule);
        const { docs, name, section } = decoded;

        console.log(`${section}.${name}: ${docs.join(' ')}`);
      } else {
        // Other, CannotLookup, BadOrigin, no extra info

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