I figured there seem to be something wrong with a multisig I have on Rococo.

It's this one: 5FRz8z6U87LBXLUuBRRy4JtVAh2jhkDSbR5ntCGM2Ds631dJ

Checking the storage on it with multisig.multisigs("5FRz8z6U87LBXLUuBRRy4JtVAh2jhkDSbR5ntCGM2Ds631dJ") returns the following double map:

      when: {
        height: 3,833,859
        index: 2
      deposit: 67,173,327,600
      depositor: 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY
      approvals: [

However, as you can tell, this storage is for 5G7yHTYnAJKQ6RLe6woPrcrNRdnPtzEuZNjNDvhLVD8eZAqL which is another multisig.

How is this possible?


I have another such call for 5Hr2iNQ3HvsyAS1Ni5oX2XuXAAPyNGZ68UkaQPRnFZrY5FUk that is given a multisig call from 5FhVnBbhiswx58VjLgN9bB8tuu4NpYALLfWzcRTUkPNSyVf5. Just see it for yourself, go to pjs/apps > dev > chain state and query the multisig.multisigs with this account. Although this multisig is actually 5 days old, you'll see a call in storage from 6 months ago.

edit2: This seems linked to a bug reported in polkadot-js apps https://github.com/polkadot-js/apps/issues/9103 .

  • The account_id you are using to query is the account_id of the multisig? which addresses are the list of address of the multisig?
    – Alex Bean
    Commented Mar 8, 2023 at 16:08
  • Yes it's a multisig composed of 2/3 by - 5DqVySMC366P8NRjdyp948TJj64hAvg17eaiEn4ZbuKCNZHc - 5DqgU9eK7Jdtc4wfozYMdy5pFtyupnfethvLZ15fgiTZDnkM - 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY
    – Tbaut
    Commented Mar 8, 2023 at 16:42

1 Answer 1


Yes there seems to be an issue with the node. Should be fixed here and the reporting PolkadotJS issue is here.

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