I could not find much information/documentation on how to use the provides/requires tags (TransactionTag) Can someone please provide an example? The tag is a vector of bytes. Should I assume these are user-defined strings? Where/how do you specify them when creating a transaction?

1 Answer 1


AFAIK the most common example cited for explaining this where the requires/provides tag is used to provide nonce information for the current transaction in order to be properly considered a valid tx. The provides tag for a tx with nonce N would be the requires for a tx with nonce N+1.

Here's an example which constructs the provides and requires tag for a the checking correct nonce of a transaction:

fn validate(
        who: &Self::AccountId,
        _call: &Self::Call,
        _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Self::Call>,
        _len: usize,
    ) -> TransactionValidity {
        // check index
        let account = crate::Account::<T>::get(who);
        if self.0 < account.nonce {
            return InvalidTransaction::Stale.into()

        let provides = vec![Encode::encode(&(who, self.0))];
        let requires = if account.nonce < self.0 {
            vec![Encode::encode(&(who, self.0 - One::one()))]
        } else {

        Ok(ValidTransaction {
            priority: 0,
            longevity: TransactionLongevity::max_value(),
            propagate: true,
  • What would these tags look like? Where are the tags set? Where (file/function) in the Substrate code is the dependency graph built/evaluated? Commented Nov 21, 2022 at 12:53
  • Good question, and I don't have an answer for you. But my guess would be to look at where Transactions are built. Check out this doc: paritytech.github.io/substrate/master/frame_support/… and look for uses of with_tag_prefix Commented Nov 21, 2022 at 13:06
  • I found one example that shows that they are strings. e.g. ValidTransaction::with_tag_prefix("BabeEquivocation") Commented Nov 21, 2022 at 19:33
  • 1
    I am editing my answer and adding an example. Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 10:11
  • 1
    Yes, as you can see from the code pub struct CheckNonce<T: Config>(#[codec(compact)] pub T::Index);, It's a tuple containing the Nonce, referred to as Index here. Commented Nov 29, 2022 at 11:15

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