This code is from common/primitives/src/node.rs in Substrate. Can someone do a part by part break down of this type and explain the intent of each part and the overall intent?

pub type AccountId = <<Signature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId;

1 Answer 1


This is a more clear one. Check it out https://github.com/darwinia-network/darwinia/blob/4edd24d3cc5ce3bf44fca40e48d79fbd6c94df14/primitives/src/lib.rs#L52-L62.

/// Alias to type for a signature for a transaction on the relay chain. This allows one of several
/// kinds of underlying crypto to be used, so isn't a fixed size when encoded.
pub type Signature = MultiSignature;

/// Alias to the public key used for this chain, actually a `MultiSigner`. Like the signature, this
/// also isn't a fixed size when encoded, as different cryptos have different size public keys.
pub type AccountPublic = <Signature as Verify>::Signer;

/// Alias to the opaque account ID type for this chain, actually a `AccountId32`. This is always
/// 32 bytes.
pub type AccountId = <AccountPublic as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId;

First, we define the Signature type.

Then, we require that the Signature is verify-able. How? We require it has implemented the Verify trait.

And then, the Verify trait has an associate type Signer. We take that Signer as our AccountPublic.

Finally, we require the AccountPublic has implemented the IdentifyAccount. So, we can use its associate type AccountId as our AccountId.

Why do we do this?

Because this builds a relationship between these primitives types. We can easily convert/use them.

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