I have a solidity smart contract that I compile using Solang to substrate wasm.

contract Pool {
address xxx;
constructor(address _test){
  xxx = _test;

function callFoo(address _test) external returns (bool){
  return true;


But I received the error trying deploy the contract using polkadot js org

enter image description here

How to specify the substrate wasm contract address?

  • Check the substrate version with which solang is compatible, this is one of the reasons, another one is, you need to optimize the solidity code before compiling which remix already provides but I don't know does solang has it or not. Commented Oct 18, 2022 at 5:16

1 Answer 1


Solang works with Parity Substrate 3.0. Note that for recent Substrate Version, cross-contract calls as well as using address type as function argument or return values ARE NOT SUPPORTED. We are currently working on fixing any regressions.


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