when I run getBlock
function as followed const signedBlock = await api.derived.chain.getBlock(blockhash)
I can fetch data from this blockhash: 0x5a17cf943d384aacdfcd834702fa1904f34b4164c2bc6d5601f8ab2fdeb15240
but it doesn't work the same for this blockhash: 0x32b4113148f6086a76f5d01cca690cd7712517dbd64ed862f05d4cebe790a81f
. What is the difference between these two? Parameters are the same, methods, modules, calls are the same. Here is my code:
const { ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require('@polkadot/api')
const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js')
const wsProvider = new WsProvider('ws://WEBSOCKET');
function convertToDot(amount) {
if (amount === undefined || amount === null || amount === "" || amount === 0)
return 0;
else {
let divisionby = 10000000000;
var bn = new BigNumber(amount);
return Number( bn.div(divisionby) );
const declaredTransferTypes = {
balances: ["transfer", "transferKeepAlive"],
utility: ["batch"]
const getTransactionsFromBlockHash = async (blockhash) => {
api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider: wsProvider });
const signedBlock = await api.derive.chain.getBlock(blockhash)
let signedBlockExts = signedBlock.block.extrinsics
if (signedBlockExts.length <= 0) return []
let successTxArray = []
const signedExts = signedBlock.extrinsics
const extrinsicTransfers = signedBlock.block.extrinsics.filter(y => (((y.method.toHuman().method === "transfer") || (y.method.toHuman().method === "transferKeepAlive")) && (y.method.toHuman().section === "balances")))
if (extrinsicTransfers.length > 0) {
extrinsicTransfers.forEach(item => {
const onlySuccessTransfer = signedExts.filter(y => (y.extrinsic.args.length === 2) && (item.args[0].toHuman().Id === y.extrinsic.args[0].toHuman().Id) && (!y.dispatchError))
if (onlySuccessTransfer.length > 0) {
console.log("success transfer object", { tx: item.hash.toHuman(), from: item.signer.toHuman().Id, to: item.args[0].toHuman().Id, amount: convertToDot(`${item.args[1]}`) })
successTxArray.push({ tx: item.hash.toHuman(), from: item.signer.toHuman().Id, to: item.args[0].toHuman().Id, amount: convertToDot(`${item.args[1]}`) })
console.log("success transfer number", successTxArray.length, "success tx here", successTxArray)
const extrinsicUtility = signedBlockExts.filter(y => (((Object.values(declaredTransferTypes.utility).filter(a => a === y.method.toHuman().method))) && (y.method.toHuman().section === "utility")))
if (extrinsicUtility.length === 0) return (successTxArray.length > 0 ? successTxArray : [])
extrinsicUtility.forEach(item => {
const onlySuccessUtility = signedExts.filter(y => (y.extrinsic._raw.toHuman().signature.signer.Id.indexOf(item._raw.signature.signer.toHuman().Id) > -1) && (!y.dispatchError)).map(a => (a.extrinsic._raw.toHuman().method.args[0]))
// console.log("onlySuccessUtility", onlySuccessUtility)
if ((onlySuccessUtility.length > 0) && (item.args[0].length > 0)) {
item.args[0].filter(y => (Object.values(declaredTransferTypes.balances).filter(a => a === y.method)) && (y.section === "balances")).map(a => (a.args)).forEach(y => {
// console.log("Success Utility Transactions:", { tx: item.hash.toHuman(), from: item.signer.toHuman().Id, to: y[0].toHuman().Id, amount: convertToDot(`${y[1]}`) })
successTxArray.push({ tx: item.hash.toHuman(), from: item.signer.toHuman().Id, to: y[0].toHuman().Id, amount: convertToDot(`${y[1]}`) })
console.log("Extrinsics success tx number", successTxArray.length, "success tx", successTxArray)
return successTxArray
} catch(err){
console.log("Couldn't decode the block. Blockhash:", blockhash)
return []
This is the error I'm receiving when I can't fetch data:
2022-08-02 17:59:31 RPC-CORE: getRuntimeVersion(at?: BlockHash): RuntimeVersion:: -32603: Unknown error occurred: Client, Application, UnknownBlock, State already discarded for BlockId::Hash, 0xd72e0b2d776d84dd5d274be22ba0fc1ab971ac8a8f7f0fdb3dc54c331ecec608