
I have two contracts A and B, I can do cross-contract call from A to B, or from B to A. But it failed when I try to do cross-contract call like this: A -> B -> A.

Test code

I developed a contract for test, repo is https://github.com/hthuang996/test/tree/main/ink/flipper. There are four methods.

pub fn send_message(&mut self, addr1: AccountId, addr2: AccountId, m: u8) {
            // call receive_message
            ink_env::call::ExecutionInput::new(ink_env::call::Selector::new([0x3a, 0x6e, 0x96, 0x96]))

pub fn receive_message(&mut self, addr: AccountId, i: u8) {
    self.message = i;
            // call receive_message2
            ink_env::call::ExecutionInput::new(ink_env::call::Selector::new([0x03, 0x0e, 0x11, 0xd0]))

pub fn receive_message2(&mut self, i: u8) {
    self.message = i;

pub fn get_message(& self) -> u8 {

Test step

Here I use substrate-contracts-node.

Step 1

Build the contract.

Step 2

Deploy three contracts named A, B, C with the same wasm file.

Step 3

Call send_message of A, params are B, A, 8.


The transaction failed.

But If I change 3 as shown below:
Call send_message of A, params are B, C, 8.

The transaction was successful, and get_message of B, C were both 8.


Is there any error in my code, or the circular call between multi contracts is impossible in ink!?


2 Answers 2


What you call "circular" is usually called "reentrant": The control flow enters A a second time in the same call stack. This is disallowed by default for security reasons. In order to make your code work you need to explicitly allow it:

pub fn send_message(&mut self, addr1: AccountId, addr2: AccountId, m: u8) {
            // call receive_message
            ink_env::call::ExecutionInput::new(ink_env::call::Selector::new([0x3a, 0x6e, 0x96, 0x96]))

  • 1
    Great, the transaction was successful after I add the call flag. But the message field of contract A was not set, namely message is still 0. Commented Jun 18, 2022 at 13:21
  • I met the same problem, and I found maybe the reason is related to the call_flags(CallFlags::default().set_allow_reentry(true)). I will express some details in the following.
    – Shawn Z
    Commented Jun 19, 2022 at 9:40

I found that if we use call_flags(CallFlags::default().set_allow_reentry(true)) we can make our smart contract be called in the way of cross contract call by itself. Of course this is meaningless, but maybe it's the same reason causes @george huang's problem. The related code is as following:

        pub fn receive_message(&mut self, addr: AccountId, i: u32) {

                    // call `update_message` of contract `addr`
                    ink_env::call::ExecutionInput::new(ink_env::call::Selector::new([0x03, 0x2a, 0x6f, 0x29]))

        pub fn update_message(&mut self, i: u32) {
                triggered: true,
            self.message = i;

I call receive_message but the input parameter addr is just the same smart contract, that is, I use set_allow_reentry(true) to make my smart contract be able to call itself in a cross-contract call way.

The result is the same as @george huang met, we cannot update the status of the smart contract in update_message. I'm sure update_message is executed because the event EventRecv2 is caught.

So is this a bug? Or should we make some special settings to solve this problem?

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