Currently dealing with an issue building my chain where parity-util-mem
is conflicting with parity-util-mem-ban
duplicates and I don't know the exact way to specify a certain version for all dependencies to use as I installed lots of pallets. Here is the full error just for reference
Updating index
Updating git repository ``
error: failed to select a version for parity-util-mem
... required by package `sp-core v3.0.0`
... which satisfies dependency `sp-core = "^3.0.0"` of package `frame-support v3.0.0`
... which satisfies dependency `frame-support = "^3.0.0"` of package `frame-system v3.0.0`
... which satisfies dependency `frame-system = "^3.0.0"` of package `pallet-did v3.0.0 (`
... which satisfies git dependency `did` of package `node-template-runtime v2.0.0 (C:\Users\throwaway\Documents\GitHub\Argonaut-Chain\runtime)`
... which satisfies path dependency `node-template-runtime` (locked to 2.0.0) of package `node-template v2.0.0 (C:\Users\throwaway\Documents\GitHub\Argonaut-Chain\node)`
versions that meet the requirements ^0.9.0
are: 0.9.0
the package parity-util-mem
links to the native library parity-util-mem-ban-duplicates
, but it conflicts with a previous package which links to parity-util-mem-ban-duplicates
as well:
package parity-util-mem v0.7.0
... which satisfies dependency `parity-util-mem = "^0.7"` of package `kvdb v0.7.0`
... which satisfies dependency `kvdb = "^0.7.0"` (locked to 0.7.0) of package `sc-client-api v2.0.0`
... which satisfies dependency `sc-client-api = "^2.0.0"` (locked to 2.0.0) of package `node-template v2.0.0 (C:\Users\throwaway)\Documents\GitHub\Argonaut-Chain\node)`
Only one package in the dependency graph may specify the same links value. This helps ensure that only one copy of a native library is linked in the final binary. Try to adjust your dependencies so that only one package uses the links ='parity-util-mem' value. For more information, see
failed to select a version for parity-util-mem
which could resolve this conflict