Here is my scenario: One account will maintain 3 balances of Token A, Token B, Token C. When Alice sends x Token A to Bob, it should deposit to Bob's balance for the same kind of token, means Token A. Similarly for Token C, but Token B is not transferable.

Inside the same about, It is possible to convert Token A into Token C with a conversion rate. So, how should I implement them? and What I did so far is?

pub mod pallet {
    use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
    use frame_support::traits::Currency;
    use frame_support::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

    pub struct Pallet<T>(_);

    //#[cfg(feature = "std")]
    type TokenABalanceOf<T> = <<T as Config>::Token as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;
    type TokenBBalanceOf<T> = <<T as Config>::TokenB as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;
    type TokenCBalanceOf<T> = <<T as Config>::TokenC as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;

    pub trait TokenAManagement<T:Config> {
        // fn convert_to_TokenC(from: T::&AccountId, amount: TokenBalanceOf<T>) -> DispatchResult;
        fn withdraw(owner: T::AccountId, amount: TokenBalanceOf<T>) -> DispatchResult;
        // fn transfer(from: &T::AccountId, to: &AccountId, value: TokenBalanceOf<T>) -> DispatchResult;
        fn deposit(owner: T::AccountId, amount: u32) -> DispatchResult;

    pub trait TokenBManagement<T:Config> {
        fn deposit(owner: T::AccountId, amount: u32) -> DispatchResult;
        // fn lock(owner: T::AccountId, amount: TokenCBalanceOf<T>) -> DispatchResult;
        // fn burn(owner: T::AccountId, amount: TokenCBalanceOf<T>) -> DispatchResult;

    pub trait TokenBManagement<T:Config> {
        fn withdraw(owner: T::AccountId, amount: u32) -> DispatchResult;
        fn deposit(owner: T::AccountId, amount: u32) -> DispatchResult;

    pub trait Config: frame_system::Config + pallet_transaction_payment::Config {
        /// Because this pallet emits events, it depends on the runtime's definition of an event.
        type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;

        type TokenA : Currency<Self::AccountId>;
        type TokenB : Currency<Self::AccountId>;
        type TokenC : Currency<Self::AccountId>;

        type TokenAManagement: TokenAManagement<Self>;
        type TokenBManagement: TokenBManagement<Self>;
        type TokenCManagement: TokenCManagement<Self>;

My code is a mess. Could you please give me some idea to implement them more efficiently?

1 Answer 1


There exists pallet-assets to manage an arbitrary number of different distinct assets. Alternatively there also is pallet-nfts for non-fungible assets.

Assets are addressed via an ID which makes it possible to easily write generic functions that operate on any asset. Additionally to this there is pallet-asset-conversion which is a Uniswap-like pallet for converting assets.

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