I got this issue in my prod chain How can we restart the chain if it becomes stuck during data migration?

I am not able to start the chain. Is there any way to start the chain with existing database.

  • 1
    you can add --base-path /path/to/database flag when starting the chain. if you are doing --dev I think your database will be in the /tmp which will be deleted every new start.
    – Yeou
    Commented Sep 26, 2023 at 1:21
  • Its not working
    – Pankaj
    Commented Oct 9, 2023 at 16:46

1 Answer 1


For that first we need to export the state of the chain on any given blocknumber.

./target/release/chain-node export-state --chain=currentChainSpecRaw.json --base-path /Users/pcs/documents/node01 1000 > chain-exported-100.json

Then you need to start the the chain with the exported chainspec.

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