I'm launching an author_submitAndWatchExtrinsic and would like to get the Tx Hash as well:
But from the websocket I can only get this information.
I would like to understand how to identify my Tx in the block, because I have to understand if it was executed successfully or not, it's not enough for me to know if it was included in a finalized block.
Is there no way to recover at least the Tx Hash?
According to documentation https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/build-protocol-info#unique-identifiers-for-extrinsics
The correct way to uniquely identify an extrinsic on a Substrate-based chain is to use the block ID (height or hash) and the extrinsic's index. Substrate defines a block as a header and an array of extrinsics; therefore, an index in the array at a canonical height will always uniquely identify a transaction. This methodology is reflected in the Substrate codebase itself, for example to reference a previous transaction from the Multisig pallet.
But in this case how to identify the Index of my extrinsic the in finalized block?