When writing tests for client module I'm having troubles instantiating gadget for the client with the error:

the trait module_primitives::ModuleApi<sp_runtime::generic::Block<sp_runtime::generic::Header<u64, BlakeTwo256>, sc_network_test::Extrinsic>> is not implemented for RuntimeApiImpl<sp_runtime::generic::Block<sp_runtime::generic::Header<u64, BlakeTwo256>, sc_network_test::Extrinsic>, substrate_test_runtime_client::client::Client<substrate_test_runtime_client::sc_client_db::Backend<sp_runtime::generic::Block<sp_runtime::generic::Header<u64, BlakeTwo256>, sc_network_test::Extrinsic>>, LocalCallExecutor<sp_runtime::generic::Block<sp_runtime::generic::Header<u64, BlakeTwo256>, sc_network_test::Extrinsic>, substrate_test_runtime_client::sc_client_db::Backend<sp_runtime::generic::Block<sp_runtime::generic::Header<u64, BlakeTwo256>, sc_network_test::Extrinsic>>, NativeElseWasmExecutor<LocalExecutorDispatch>>, sp_runtime::generic::Block<sp_runtime::generic::Header<u64, BlakeTwo256>, sc_network_test::Extrinsic>, substrate_test_runtime_client::substrate_test_runtime::RuntimeApi>>


pub(crate) type ModuleTestParams = ModuleParams<PeersFullClient, Backend>;
pub(crate) type PeerData = Option<ModuleTestParams>;

pub(crate) type ModulePeer = Peer<PeerData, PeersClient>;

pub(crate) struct ModuleTestNet {
    peers: Vec<ModulePeer>,

impl ModuleTestNet {
    pub(crate) fn new(n_authority: usize, n_full: usize) -> Self {
        let mut net = ModuleTestNet { peers: Vec::with_capacity(n_authority + n_full) };
        for _ in 0..n_authority {
        for _ in 0..n_full {

    pub(crate) fn add_authority_peer(&mut self) {
        self.add_full_peer_with_config(FullPeerConfig {
            notifications_protocols: vec!["module/1".into()],
            is_authority: true,

    pub(crate) fn add_full_peer(&mut self) {
    pub(crate) fn generate_blocks(
        &mut self,
        count: usize,
        session_length: u64,
        validator_set: &ValidatorSet<AuthorityId>,
    ) {
        self.peer(0).generate_blocks(count, BlockOrigin::File, |builder| {
            let mut block = builder.build().unwrap().block;

            if *block.header.number() % session_length == 0 {
                add_auth_change_digest(&mut block.header, validator_set.clone());


TestNetFactory is implemented.

Then trait:

pub(crate) struct RuntimeApi {
    inner: TestApi,

impl ProvideRuntimeApi<Block> for TestApi {
    type Api = RuntimeApi;
    fn runtime_api<'a>(&'a self) -> ApiRef<'a, Self::Api> {
        RuntimeApi { inner: self.clone() }.into()

sp_api::mock_impl_runtime_apis! {
    impl ModuleApi<Block> for RuntimeApi {}

And instantiation (where error comes from):

fn initialize_module(
    net: &mut ModuleTestNet,
    peers: Vec<(usize, &ModuleKeyring, ModuleTestParams)>,
) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
    let voters = FuturesUnordered::new();

    for (peer_id, key, module_params) in peers.into_iter() {
        let gadget = start_module_gadget::<_, _, _>(module_params);

        fn assert_send<T: Send>(_: &T) {}

    voters.for_each(|_| async move {})

Declaration of gadget starting function:

pub async fn start_module_gadget<B, BE, C>(module_params: ModuleParams<C, BE>)
    B: Block,
    BE: Backend<B>,
    C: Client<B, BE>,
    C::Api: ModuleApi<B>,
    let ModuleParams { client, backend, key_store, rpc_send } = module_params;

    let worker_params = worker::WorkerParams { client, backend, key_store, rpc_send };

    let mut worker = worker::ModuleWorker::<_, _, _>::new(worker_params);


1 Answer 1


I think you are missing a bound C: ProvideRuntimeApi<B> on your start_module_gadget function.

  • added but getting same error... Commented Apr 26, 2022 at 15:25
  • 1
    was able to fix this by extending ModuleWorker and ModuleParams with R: ProvideRuntimeApi<B> and moving R:Api there. weird stuff but marking as correct answer. Commented Apr 27, 2022 at 11:10

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