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Should events be taken into account if their extrinsic fails?

If the System.ExtrinsicFailed event was emitted within a given extrinsic, does it mean that all other events that were also emitted within it can be considered invalid and should not be taken into ...
pjozvtg's user avatar
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How to determine which account sent an extrinsic from substrate block data?

Could anyone help me understand how one reads from a substrate chain the account that sent an extrinsic? For example take this Kusama xcmpallet.reserve_transfer_assets extrinsic sent by address ...
olliecorbs's user avatar
2 votes
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How to recognise user behaviour data on substrate chains? (Events + Extrinsics)

Context: Specifically trying to measure user behaviour data on substrate chains. Questions: Is there any specific data that indicates whether a user triggered an extrinsic or an event? Do only ...
olliecorbs's user avatar