I want to transfer the management of my dot account from polkadat.js to trustwallet. The problem I am facing is that the same mnemonic give different key in those applications. How to deal with that? How to add the dot account to my trust wallet? I have both mnemonic phrase and the recovery json file stored.
Test mnemonic: neck glance normal build soccer reason cotton island story control lemon theme
public key on polkadot.js: 162LT7DYzo3iHGfk3RDpZWeYq5NUxxmvZCFUMTAwuFYZYp89
public key in trust wallet: 16GEpjTJJgSX9Saoe7Y7uTDX78h6bAB6uiHhnXJ9AFXmUxby
subkey inspect
to check the derived key for all three different supported signature algorithms. One of them should match.