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Unanswered Questions

149 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
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Subxt call to custom pallet method returning `wasm 'unreachable'` - (`TaggedTransactionQueue_validate_transaction`)

So I am trying to submit extrinsics to a running parachain node using subxt, but encounter a Codec error. The parachain is based on the substrate-parachain-template, the relay chain is compiled ...
6 votes
0 answers

How to use the default Substrate CLI rpc-cors values without using rpc-cors=all for a Collator node and connect from Polkadot.js Apps

I want to be able to connect a collator node using that is based on the substrate-parachain-template using branch 'polkadot-v0.9.18' and is being run as a parachain in ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to use @polkadot/react-components? version issue

I have tried to use @polkadot/react-componentsin React project Here, AddressInfo component component is from @polkadot/react-components When I try to use this component, I got this issue I'd really ...
5 votes
0 answers

eip-681 equivalent for Polkadot to generate qrcodes

I'm developing an app and there I have the possibility to generate qrcodes to ask for payments in multiple blockchains using multiple tokens. For EVM blockchains I do have the eip681 to guide me (...
5 votes
0 answers

How to configure XCMP queue drop threshold?

The XCMP queue drops messages if they exceed the limit: if (count as u32) < drop_threshold { status[i].message_metadata.push((sent_at, format)); } else { debug_assert!( false, ...
5 votes
0 answers

XCM Barrier blocked execution: when transferring XC-20 between 2 local Moonbase parachains

The setup is: polkadot-launch 1 relay chain: polkadot-0.9.18 rococo 2 parachains: moonbeam-0.24.0 moonbase-local paraId 1000 paraId 1001 open hrmp channel via polkadot-launch Transferring DOT ...
4 votes
1 answer

Parathread not producing block on Rococo registered using CoreTime

I am trying to list a parathread on Rococo using core time. I have followed all instructions mentioned here. I followed below steps: I registered a ParaId and onboarded Parathread as usual but didn't ...
4 votes
0 answers

What is the core functionality (pallets) that should be part of the specification

We are working on an alternative implementation of the Polkadot protocol, but since the spec is missing a lot of details regarding the Runtime, we rely heavily on the Substrate implementation. So we ...
4 votes
0 answers

Inclusion of Collator In Parachain Lease

I understand that allocating a collator node (or a few) to each chain w/a Parachain slot per era is overkill from a trust perspective. However, from a developer's perspective, it would reduce a ...
3 votes
0 answers

Integrating External Data into Blockchain: Can Validators Fetch and Incorporate API-sourced Data?

Is it feasible for validators to retrieve information from external APIs, particularly news data, and seamlessly incorporate it into the blockchain?
3 votes
1 answer

How to add custom account as initial authorities in file

I've successfully added custom accounts in the Sudo account and pre-funded accounts following this stack adding an account but I also wanted to set custom accounts as initial PoA authorities. Thank ...
3 votes
0 answers

the function or associated item `offchain_worker` exists for struct

i wanna add a new pallet in substrate this is the contract of the file : #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] /// Edit this file to define custom logic or remove it if it ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to execute/apply extra logic when xcm call delivered and deposit is succeed? or register callback?

I want to execute extra logic when xcm call deliver and deposit succeed. I can pass extra parameters in beneficiary MultiLocation with a description what todo next. I have a MultiLocation ...
3 votes
1 answer

How can I sign and execute transactions using custom origin(20 bytes address) in PolkadotJS

I have a pallet which ensures a particular custom origin of H160(20 bytes). Actually, this pallet is to ensure that the Origin is that of an ethereum address(20 bytes). I am therefore writing ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to implement a POC for a new consensus algorithm in substrate?

I am currently working on a substrate project that uses the PoA consensus algorithm. I would like to implement a POC for a new consensus algorithm. I have some experience with substrate but I'm new to ...

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