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Unanswered Questions

153 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
0 answers

How to generate a Moonbeam Unified Account using Subkey?

In the Moonbeam Unified documentation here, it says that Moonbeam natively supports "Ethereum-style address (H160 format), which is 40+2 hex-characters long, in a Substrate based chain" and ...
6 votes
0 answers

Subxt call to custom pallet method returning `wasm 'unreachable'` - (`TaggedTransactionQueue_validate_transaction`)

So I am trying to submit extrinsics to a running parachain node using subxt, but encounter a Codec error. The parachain is based on the substrate-parachain-template, the relay chain is compiled ...
6 votes
0 answers

How to use the default Substrate CLI rpc-cors values without using rpc-cors=all for a Collator node and connect from Polkadot.js Apps

I want to be able to connect a collator node using that is based on the substrate-parachain-template using branch 'polkadot-v0.9.18' and is being run as a parachain in ...
5 votes
0 answers

Genesis Sync and History: Are Archive Nodes Indispensable?

I've been exploring the intricacies of node types in Polkadot and other Substrate-based networks and came across a scenario that has left me curious. I understand that full nodes and archive nodes ...
5 votes
0 answers

Is there any good way to keep an intermediate state for an operation between several transactions/blocks in a BABE/GRANDPA-based chain?

I know that the best practices suggest designing transactions (pallet calls) in a way that executes the operation atomically and doesn't keep any intermediate states. This guarantees, that in case a ...
5 votes
0 answers

I want to use Parity SCALE codec in Solidity? Is there any implementation of scale codec to decode bytes?

I want to decode bytes on the Solidity side that was decoded with scale codec. Is the any implementation of scale codec (decode) on the Solidity side?
5 votes
0 answers

eip-681 equivalent for Polkadot to generate qrcodes

I'm developing an app and there I have the possibility to generate qrcodes to ask for payments in multiple blockchains using multiple tokens. For EVM blockchains I do have the eip681 to guide me (...
5 votes
0 answers

How to use sp_tracing?

When I walk through the sp_tracing documents, it's an overview and does not show us how to use it I have some questions about sp_tracing: How to use it? What command that we run it? (Debug Mode?) ...
5 votes
0 answers

fp_evm::GenesisAccount causes

As the title says, I have added EVM Compatibility to my NPoS runtime(using chainsafe/substrate-node-template), and when i run my node with Alice and Bob validators, the StakingElection begins to fail. ...
4 votes
1 answer

Parathread not producing block on Rococo registered using CoreTime

I am trying to list a parathread on Rococo using core time. I have followed all instructions mentioned here. I followed below steps: I registered a ParaId and onboarded Parathread as usual but didn't ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to use a custom syncing logic?

I want to create a node with a different syncing logic than SyncingEngine (I have my own struct that implements the same API as SyncingEngine). To be clear, I want to use the substrate NetworkService ...
4 votes
0 answers

EVM compatible chains and Substrate Bridges

I am looking for a bridging solution between EVM compatible chains and a substrate-based solo chain (i.e. not a parachain). The bridges is purely for cross chain asset transfer. I am aware of the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Explorer compatibility with blockchain node version v1.0.0

The issue I ran in is finding an explorer version, which is compatible with substrate version v1.0.0. I found that version of explorer below v0.133.1 (
3 votes
1 answer

How to add vector fields in the block header?

I want to add a vector fields in the block header of substrate chain. Is this possible? If yes, How can i do that? Do we have any reference code for it? Thanks in advance
3 votes
1 answer

How to add custom account as initial authorities in file

I've successfully added custom accounts in the Sudo account and pre-funded accounts following this stack adding an account but I also wanted to set custom accounts as initial PoA authorities. Thank ...

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