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8 votes

Why unsigned extrinsics?

That is correct - with a signed transaction there is validation to check the nonce, make sure the user has enough to pay for the fee, and check if the signature is valid. With an unsigned transaction ...
Bruno's user avatar
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5 votes

Why unsigned extrinsics?

But it still does not really make sense to me why it exists in Polkadot. I think part of building a generic and extensible blockchain framework is to support tools like this, even if we wouldn't have ...
Shawn Tabrizi's user avatar
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2 votes

What is MaxKeys in ImOnline config?

ImOnline sends a heartbeat when an authority asks it to. The MaxKeys is setting the maximum number of authorities that are allowed to ask for the heartbeat to be sent. We try and bound blockchain ...
Squirrel's user avatar
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How to find waiting validator node is online?

If you want to check whether a validator in the waiting set is online or not, you can modify the is_online_aux function to take into consideration the validators in the waiting set. Here's one way to ...
kayvan jam's user avatar
1 vote

Heartbeats are not sent from authority nodes

You don't need to send a heartbeat, if the node has produced a block. Producing a block is essentially the same and even better to "proof" that you were online in a session. So, im-online ...
bkchr's user avatar
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