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2 votes

Nginx troubles on setting a remote validator node

Your server block should be inside the http block. Here is some details around it for the exact same error -
Werner S's user avatar
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2 votes

NGINX Reverse Proxy JSON Parse Error

This solutions is the same as for this question: Problem Connecting Digital Ocean RPC Node to Polkadot-JS (NGINX Configuration Problem?) SOLVED! Open the Nginx config for the site… sudo nano /etc/...
KathrynColleen's user avatar
1 vote

Problem Connecting Digital Ocean RPC Node to Polkadot-JS (NGINX Configuration Problem?)

SOLVED! Open the Nginx config for the site… sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/MYSITE Erase EVERYTHING in the file (yes, everything) and set it back to just: server { server_name MYSITE; location / {...
KathrynColleen's user avatar
1 vote

Problem Connecting Digital Ocean RPC Node to Polkadot-JS (NGINX Configuration Problem?)

Connection to does seem to work, so the nginx on https looks like its working and there is no issue with a firewall from the internet. While accessing wss:// I did get ...
Sequajaa's user avatar

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