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7 votes

How to verify EVM contracts with openzeppelin using subscan or blockscout

In order for Blockscout to verify your source code it requires that you upload the source of each smart contract you want to verify. That means all the source code used to generate binary. Note that ...
Maario's user avatar
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6 votes

How to calculate the optimal tip for Substrate

The Substrate transaction queue uses solely the transaction priority passed via the SignedExtension API to prioritise which transactions make it into a block. I'm not at all familiar with EIP-1159 and ...
Gav's user avatar
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5 votes

Ink! smart contracts and extrinsics

ChainExtension is what you are looking for. It allows the runtime developer to register some native functions in the ink! wasm environment, and allow the ink! code to interact with the pallets ...
h4x3rotab's user avatar
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5 votes

Private key for EVM Frontier

IIUC, these are two different crypto systems. The public key works. But it doesn't mean anything. You can even make a transfer to 0x12345.... But you don't know its private key. You need to generate ...
aurexav's user avatar
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4 votes

Process ethereum transactions in an offchain worker

You can use some of the tools from: Namely, if you're looking to create Ethereum transactions in an offchain worker then this should work:
Drew Stone's user avatar
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4 votes

Existential deposit in EVM compatible address

It is up to each individual chain to decide. By default, EVM uses pallet-balances to handle native token, so the same ED rule applies. It is possible to configure the pallets to use other pallets to ...
Bryan Chen's user avatar
4 votes

What is the best way to deploy Substrate and EVM based blockchain?

You can deploy to Moonbeam/Astar or if you fancy having a go yourself you can check out the EVM Pallet
Sam Elamin's user avatar
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Private key for EVM Frontier

my question is how I calculate the ETH private key of this account? There is no way to do that =/ The most important thing to note here is that the mnemonic: worth wrestle meat ecology merry ginger ...
Artur Gontijo's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to use ink! with Ethereum-style accounts?

Wondering if anyone knows whether ink! supports AccountIds which are ethereum-style accounts? Yes. pallet-contracts will work with the unified account setup you referenced. It is generic over the ...
Alexander Theißen's user avatar
4 votes

How to interact between a smart contract written in Solidity from a smart contract written in ink!?

But how would it be possible to build smart contracts written in ink! that call public functions in smart contracts written in Solidity and vice versa? We need to distinguish between Solidity ...
xermicus's user avatar
3 votes

Why does the Astar XC20 wrapper example use the ERC20 wrapper functionality?

The BAI is existing ERC20 token on Astar EVM. In order to make that token xChain it needs to be connected via Astar precompile ERC20Plus with the new xcBAI asset. For this connection to happen we need ...
Maario's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to run moonbeam/Astar as a standalone network

It's possible. In this case, your network will have to run (and use) its own finality gadget (rather than that of the relay chain). You can implement the GRANDPA pallet in your network for block ...
Abdulbee's user avatar
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3 votes

Implementing min gas fee for pallet_evm

To activate and set the BaseFee in your Frontier-based chain, you can simply change these runtime parameters: frame_support::parameter_types! { pub IsActive: bool = true; pub ...
afm's user avatar
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3 votes

Similar eth_call for substrate

There is actually. There is a JSONRPC endpoint named state_call. It works in a similar way to eth_call. You can see the definition here.
pepyakin's user avatar
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What is the best way to deploy Substrate and EVM based blockchain?

Most evm compatible substrate chains uses pallet-evm and pallet-ethereum provided by frontier, for example Moonbeam, ChainX, Edgeware etc. You can start with the Substrate Frontier Node Template ...
btwiuse's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the best way to deploy Substrate and EVM based blockchain?

You can turn your substrate into being as close as possible to ethereum by adopting ethereum conventions for example changing address types to match. But if you do that, those addresses need a ...
Squirrel's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible call wasm from evm smart contract on substrate chain?

It is be possible through Astar Network xvm_pallet, interaction between WASAM and EVM Contract. You can go through this article and there is also video for this.
go11li's user avatar
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3 votes

Explorer for Substrate-based EVM chains

Yes, there is an open source indexer and explorer called Blockscout, which is fairly user-friendly. You can use for your Substrate-based EVM chain. Here are some examples of its usage by Moonbeam ...
afm's user avatar
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3 votes

Private key for EVM Frontier

Thanks to AurevoirXavier and Artur for the responses, as they explained to sign and send Ethereum Transactions using a Substrate Account has to be done via the EVM pallet. I just want to add here the ...
Alex Bean's user avatar
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3 votes

How to change evm token decimals?

You should, and I recommend changing your native token decimals. Otherwise, you need a converter. Then, I have a question. Why do you need EVM? This will break almost every existing thing (such as ...
aurexav's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to use ink! with Ethereum-style accounts?

You can use Ethereum accounts in ink! as long as pallet-contracts is present. You can use ink! on any blockchain that was built with the Substrate framework and includes the pallet-contracts module. ...
forgetso's user avatar
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2 votes

Why should you start with Substrate?

Substrate allows you to handle the complex processes of Blockchain development without the limitations imposed by other frameworks. Since its launch, Substrate has been shaped to be a flexible and ...
James's user avatar
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2 votes

Smart contract to IPFS communication

here's some potentially useful docs:
Bernardo Rodrigues's user avatar
2 votes

trait bound `H256: TypeInfo` is not satisfied; `TypeInfo` is not implemented for `H256, H160, H64, ethereum_types::U256`

This looks like mismatching versions. cargo tree -p scale-info will show you. ethereum-types has very permissive requirements for scale-info, so maybe a cargo update -p scale-info will fix the ...
Russo's user avatar
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2 votes

Can an off-chain worker read/write the state of an EVM contract?

I don't know much about EVM and Frontier, but in general offchain workers cannot write to the state directly, so if they call into a function directly that has some side effect, it will be ignored. ...
kianenigma's user avatar
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2 votes

Private key for EVM Frontier

The best way I found to interact with the EVM in Substrate Frontier is to use the Web3.js lib as explained in this Moonbeam tutorial:
Olivier Hory's user avatar
2 votes

Unified accounts with AURA

Check Darwinia2.0. We are doing this now. But for the session keys, it's still Sr25519. This is decided by AURA. Key point:
aurexav's user avatar
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2 votes

`UnknownTransaction::CannotLookup` error on each extrinsic

I've fixed it by making these changes in my runtime: In the frame_system::Config, changed Lookup from type Lookup = AccountIdLookup<AccountId, ()>; to type Lookup = sp_runtime::traits::...
Discardo's user avatar
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2 votes

NFT Enlisting on OpenSea

You should ask Opensea to list your network...
aurexav's user avatar
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2 votes

How to add evm and ethereum pallet from scratch into substrate node?

If you are totally new first take a look into the Substrate Documentation: Add a pallet to the runtime. Then take a look into the Frontier Node Template, it is a template node that has this two ...
Alex Bean's user avatar
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