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Democracy proposal not enacted

So one of our team member solved this, but it also raised a bunch of other questions that I will add above the various code sections: I don't understand why the solution won't work without the ...
Kazunobu Ndong's user avatar
3 votes

Assets pallet token and democracy pallet

It's not possible right now, but will be after there's a fungibles::Lockable implementation for Assets (
joepetrowski's user avatar
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3 votes

Is InstantAllowed true required to fastTrack referendum?

votingPeriod is the period for which voting will be open (in number of blocks). For the extrinsic to succeed one of the two conditions must be met: votingPeriod is greater or equal to the ...
Adam Wierzbicki's user avatar
2 votes

What is simplest way to get native holders distribution?

Have you already started your chain? If not, you could have the accounts and balances in the genesis config: #[pallet::genesis_config] pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()&...
Bruno's user avatar
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2 votes

Getting schedular overweight error while doing runtime upgrade

In the relay chain case you can overwrite the weight of the runtime upgrade by wrapping the system::set_code extrinsic into a utility::with_weight and overwrite the weight to something small. We use ...
Oliver Tale-Yazdi's user avatar
2 votes

Getting Bad origin error in execution of the proposal?

As Shawn suggested, for proposals that do transfers, you would need to use forceTransfer which executes from the root origin. (The normal transfer operates from the signer account and is not meant for ...
Werner S's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it possible to allow vesting balances to participant in staking and/or democracy

Locks can overlap, so you can definitely use locked funds from vesting to stake or vote.
dastansam's user avatar
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How to better understand permissions in the Democracy module(fastTrack)

You are correct in stating that the fast_track call must have the origin FastTrackOrigin. Remember that Polkadot has Sudo removed and fastTrack is something that the technical committee is responsible ...
Bruno's user avatar
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how do you cancel a parachain proposal or referendum?

Proposals are done though the Democracy Pallet. The pallet has an extrinsic called emergency_cancel that can only be called by the Cancellation Origin Here's a quote from the democracy pallet docs //! ...
Valentin Fernandez's user avatar
1 vote

how to implement voting functionality?

Some voting pallets that we are using at Webb are derived from ChainSafe/ChainBridge's pallet for voting on proposals. It's a simple threshold voting system. Our's works where only a single signature ...
Drew Stone's user avatar
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Help configuring the democracy pallet and referenda proposal

Looks like it is in the referenda config: /// The **minimum** amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal. #[pallet::constant] type SubmissionDeposit: Get<BalanceOf<Self, I&...
Bruno's user avatar
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What root dispatches are absolutely necessary to run a parachain?

You can write a call if the matched user calls it, then dispatch a parachain_system::Call::<T>::authorize_upgrade(code_hash); call. And one thing I need to point out. Being able to call the ...
aurexav's user avatar
  • 11.2k
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How to force runtime upgrades only after an enactment period of three months with the sudo pallet?

What transactions should be filtered, so that this rule can't be avoided by the sudo user? You do not force sudo to do anything. Sudo is the force. Sudo::sudo results in Root and can arbitrarily ...
Oliver Tale-Yazdi's user avatar
1 vote

Runtime upgrades: parachainSystem.enactAuthorizedUpgrade via referendum fails with `parachainSystem.ValidationDataNotAvailable`

First, let's solve your problem. You don't need to call enactAuthorizedUpgrade from root. This call is actually callable by anyone, including unsigned transactions (if setup correctly). Only ...
bkchr's user avatar
  • 11.8k
1 vote

FastTrack proposal execution fails with "ProposalMissing" but is stored in democracy.publicProps

I don't know your runtime configurations. But generally, you need to open a council motion first. It will be council::propose(democracy::external proposal). After this passed. There will be an ...
aurexav's user avatar
  • 11.2k
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How to make a main net parachain upgrade through democracy?

IIUC, you only need to do the authorize_upgrade through referendum which require a root origin. After that, anyone can call enact_authorized_upgrade. As I mentioned in my comment. Check Runtime ...
aurexav's user avatar
  • 11.2k
1 vote

Delegating and undelegating during the lock period extends it for the initial amount

We definitely should clean up these behaviors obviously, but right now afaik nobody clearly articulated all the concerns, so what fixes happen maybe lacking somehow unless someone spells out the ...
Jeff Burdges's user avatar
1 vote

Raw specs not building, unknown field

Look here: impl IdentifyChain for dyn sc_service::ChainSpec { fn identify(&...
Bruno's user avatar
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1 vote

Can't reach DemocracyConfig import

I think you have not implemented DemocracyConfig in runtime.
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar

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