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7 votes

Influence of Existential Deposits on account assets

The DOT transfer that empties the account will simply fail. First, an asset places a consumer reference on an account: frame_system::Pallet::<T>::inc_consumers(who).map_err(|_| Error::<T, I&...
joepetrowski's user avatar
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5 votes

FailedToTransactAsset when sending USDt from Statemint to another parachain

Problem solved! Because the asset is not set as isSufficient the sovereign account of the parachain needs to hold DOT on Statemint to transfer the asset through XCM.
Maarten Henskens's user avatar
5 votes

Do assets (from the asset pallet on State[mine/mint]) have an existential deposit?

Assets (from assets pallet) do not have existential deposits but the native token (pallet balances - ED) does. For example, if you want to create a new asset in Statemine and since the native token ...
dominique's user avatar
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3 votes

Does holding only sufficient asset in statemint imply there is no ED for the account?

Does holding only sufficient asset in statemint imply there is no ED for the account? Yes, Sufficiency means that the asset balance is enough to create the account on-chain, with no need for the DOT/...
Alex Bean's user avatar
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3 votes

"Account cannot be created" when trying to transfer statemine token to sibling parachain

There's an referendum open for make USDT sufficient in statemint: The referendum passed, there's 28 days delay to the change be applied
Lohann Paterno Coutinho Ferrei's user avatar
3 votes

If Sufficiency of a Statemint asset is revoked, what happens to the accounts holding only that asset?

Nothing would happen to the accounts holding the assets (it would be a potentially huge storage op to iterate through all accounts on chain and check which ones only exist due to a sufficient asset). ...
joepetrowski's user avatar
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3 votes

List of assets on Statemint

Using PolkadotJS you can get the list of assets with this script: const wsProvider = new WsProvider('wss://'); const api = await ApiPromise.create({ ...
Alex Bean's user avatar
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3 votes

Do assets (from the asset pallet on State[mine/mint]) have an existential deposit?

The Existential Deposit (ED), transfer fees, and the deposits for proxy/multisig operations on Statemint are about 1/10th of the values on the Relay chain. So, the Existential Deposit of a Statemint ...
Daan van der Plas's user avatar
3 votes

How to solve the issue"Element "asset_id" of struct is missing in given value" when I send a token transaction

Are you sure you have the latest version of packages substrate-interface==1.2.2 and scalecodec==1.0.34? Because I can remember older versions of scalecodec don't have the 'signed_extensions' support ...
Arjan's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get the token balance(rmrk) by py-substrate?

from substrateinterface import SubstrateInterface ASSET_ID = 8 # ACCOUNT = '<<YOUR_ACCOUNT>>' substrate = SubstrateInterface(url='wss://') account_info ...
Artur Gontijo's user avatar
2 votes

How to access Statemint/Statemine assets in a parachain?

(Not financial advice) If your question is about how to bring liquidity from stablecoins like USDT into Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem? Currently it is available with Bitfinex withdrawals to Statemint ...
Josh's user avatar
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2 votes

Invalid Incoming XCMP message data

After debugging I think it's a bug (pallet-xcm or cumulus-pallet-xcmp-queue), you can track it here:
Guantong's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I see the assets deployed on Statemint/Statemine with all their related information on Polkadot.js UI?

Once you are in the Polkadot.js/apps UI, connect to Statemint network (Polkadot ecosystem), click on Network tab and then on Assets to see the complete list of deployed assets listed by asset ID. ...
Iker's user avatar
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2 votes

Using fungible Statemine assets with governance

What is the best design to reuse governance pallets (e.g. treasury, council, Gov2) with non-L1 tokens? You'll want to look at the pub trait Config { type Currency } for each of the pallets you are ...
joepetrowski's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I move my USDC/USDT to statemine?

Just in case others may not see my earlier answer to a different question: (Not financial advice) Currently it is available with Bitfinex withdrawals to Statemint and Statemine parachains for Polkadot ...
Josh's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I move my USDC/USDT to statemine?

(Not financial advice) One new way as of end of Sep 22 (and there will be other ways on different chains given time) and this is not an endorsement of the services and I have not personally tested ...
Squirrel's user avatar
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2 votes

How to create NFT in Statemint?

Here is an example of using the uniques pallet to create non-fungible assets: export const createNonFungibleAssets = async () => { let tx = api.tx.utility.batchAll([ api.tx.uniques....
Bruno's user avatar
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2 votes

Are users only allowed to own 16 assets with pallet-assets?

An account can own more than 16 assets. If someone places a deposit (in DOT), inc_consumers won't be called. let reason = if let Some((depositor, deposit)) = maybe_deposit { if ...
Juan Girini's user avatar
1 vote

Buy execution time in DOT on AssetHub

I would need to see de decoded call to give an accurate answer, but I can tell that the origin_kind in the Transact is wrong, try with OriginKind::SovereignAccount. By the way, remarkWithEvent will ...
NachoPal's user avatar
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Opening HRMP Channel from AssetHub to Parachain using only paraId

From my understanding they will need to use force_open_hrmp_channel any way, because they want to open a channel to a system chain. Looking over the code, I don't see any requirement for the parachain ...
bkchr's user avatar
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1 vote

SendFailure error when performing reserve asset transfer from rococo asset hub to parachain

It's a known issue with XCM that has a fix but still has to get to the rococo runtime, only reserve asset transfers are affected. The issue in GitHub is
Francisco Aguirre's user avatar
1 vote

List of assets on Statemint

Using py-substrate-interface it would be something like: substrate = SubstrateInterface(url="wss://") assets_metadata = substrate.query_map( 'Assets', 'Metadata'...
Arjan's user avatar
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1 vote

Setting up an HRMP Channel between a Parachain and Rococo Asset Hub (Rockmine)

Check this tutorial about how to open HRMP with AssetHub, where it explains in detail how to opening the channel from AssetHub to your parachain and how to open the channel from your parachain to ...
Alex Bean's user avatar
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1 vote

How can i create a collection on statemint nft pallet without reserving 10 DOT

You can't, the deposit is there for a reason.
joepetrowski's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a programmatic way to retrieve list of parachain sovereign accounts on Statemint/e?

Yes. There are some tools and examples already available that you can use to do this programmatically. I recommend the following post: how to calculate sovereignAccount for parachain? In your case ...
Bruno's user avatar
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1 vote

"Account cannot be created" when trying to transfer statemine token to sibling parachain

thanks for the responses The reason this transfer was not working in this case, is because the sibling parachain account was not created. I had mistakenly assumed that the parachain relay sovereign ...
insipx's user avatar
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1 vote

"Account cannot be created" when trying to transfer statemine token to sibling parachain

USDT is sufficient in Statemine. If you want your test to work on your local you will have to make USDT sufficient as well. As Lohann pointed, it will be soon also sufficient in Statemint. Here you ...
NachoPal's user avatar
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1 vote

Is teleport of ROC from Rockmine to my parachain should be used instead of reserve transfer?

First, you should use reserve_transfer, because teleport requires both the source and destination of have a high level of mutual trust. Details can be found here. About UnweighableMessage, I think ...
Guantong's user avatar
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1 vote

Is teleport of ROC from Rockmine to my parachain should be used instead of reserve transfer?

reserveTransferAssets is okay. That's not the root cause UnweighableMessage. Check the documentation. You should set a reasonable weight. Otherwise, the call will fail. reserve_transfer_assets will ...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
1 vote

How to run statemine with polkadot-launch?

polkadot-launch is about to be deprecated. See You should check one of the following alternatives: zombienet parachain-launch
Bernardo Rodrigues's user avatar

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