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dApp registration issue - Shiden Network

You need to be whitelisted to be able to join dApp staking: Please check the requirements here: Please contact me on Astar Discord if ...
Maarten Henskens's user avatar
3 votes

How is a substrate address, or multisig address, calcluated from private key?

The Substrate address is actually derived from the public key: For most networks, the public key associated with an account is how that account is identified on the network and is used as the ...
Bruno's user avatar
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3 votes

Vec<AccountId> breaks compilation of ink! contract

Ah, I just had to explicitely import ink_prelude::vec::Vec for that.
CREESTL's user avatar
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Can I use ECDSA address which is compatible with Ethereum as the Native address in a substrate based blockchain?

AFAIK substrate supports a couple of signature schemes, among them secp256k1. Moonbeam is a chain built with substrate which uses Ethereum-compatible unified accounts. I suggest looking at their docs ...
Adam Wierzbicki's user avatar
2 votes

Fetch an account's id using its Identity

Not quite the answer you were looking for, however current the only way to do it - get all identities via identity.identityOf (If using the JS API, this would mean a .entries() query to get the full ...
Jaco's user avatar
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2 votes

How substrate / frontier convert address

You can calculated it with this tool: Substrate EVM Utilities. An example with a random account generated: Secret phrase: worth wrestle meat ecology merry ginger online glad soda usage peasant ...
Alex Bean's user avatar
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1 vote

Bech32 encode/decode library for no_std to convert bytes32 into string address in runtime pallet?

dependency for pallet or any code that compiled to wasm [dependencies] bech32 = { package = "bech32", version = "0.9.1", default-features = false, features = [ "strict", ]...'s user avatar
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1 vote

How to change the format of addresses on a substrate local blockchain?

Change it here. And the letters depend on the ss58 hash algorithm. The ...
aurexav's user avatar
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Is there any way to convert an ss58 address to the 32 bytes pubkey?

Yes, you can convert an address in SS58 format into the 32-byte public key. The process of encoding a public key to an SS58 format address is fully reversible since it just implies adding a prefix, a ...
Iker's user avatar
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how to retrieve the list of public key addresses of all validators?

I think you have the session pallet in your runtime. PolkadotApps -> chain state -> session -> queuedKeys If you want to do this in code. Query the twox128(b"Session") + twox128(b&...
aurexav's user avatar
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1 vote

Add additional information for substrate user account

So if you're building a pallet, you could have it update the frame system data field in the AccountInfo: /// Information of an account. #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default, RuntimeDebug, Encode, ...
Bruno's user avatar
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