I am writing a new test and when I run this code, the `println`'s do not output in the terminal. 
async fn can_fetch_child_keys() {
	if std::option_env!("TEST_WS").is_none() {
	let child_keys = Builder::<Block>::new()
		.mode(Mode::Online(OnlineConfig {
			transport: std::option_env!("TEST_WS").unwrap().to_owned().into(),
			pallets: vec!["Contracts".to_owned()],
			child_trie: true,
		.execute_with(|| {
			let child_keys = sp_io::storage::next_key(&[]).expect("some key must exist in the snapshot");
	assert!(child_keys.len() > 0);
	println!("child_keys: {:?}", child_keys);
	println!("👩‍👦 child_keys.len(): {:?}", child_keys.len());
I have tried using: 
RUST_LOG=debug cargo test --features=remote-test -p frame-remote-externalities can_fetch_child_keys -- --nocapture

Any suggestions on how to output in the terminal for debugging purposes?

This is in specific to the tests found here:
- https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/blob/73ff1c3647024d3a5e94727e7fb74714c3a98b47/substrate/utils/frame/remote-externalities/src/lib.rs#L1165